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Egzamin TOEFL iBT Barron angielski NOWA!!!

28-01-2012, 4:53
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 90 zł     
Użytkownik 81Paulina
numer aukcji: 2061316873
Miejscowość MIASTKO
Wyświetleń: 8   
Koniec: 26-01-2012 19:05:01

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
Język: angielski
Zestaw: książka + CD
Ćwiczenia: tak, z kluczem
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is an internet-based test, or iBT, and this updated edition of Barron's TOEFL manual simulates the test's internet-based format. The manual presents seven full-length model TOEFL iBT tests with explanations or examples for all questions, including sample essays and speaking responses. Author Pamela Sharpe also gives test-takers a general orientation to the TOEFL iBT and follows with a review of academic skills, which include note taking, paraphrasing, summarizing, and synthesizing. A review of language skills covers listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English. The 10 enclosed audio CDs present audio prompts for the Listening, Speaking, and Writing sections of all tests in the book.


  • Audio CDs present audio prompts for all test questions
  • Answers to all test questions, including sample essays and speaking responses
  • A review of required academic skills includes note taking, paraphrasing, summarizing, and synthesizing
  • A review of English language skills covers listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing

    819 pages


    If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.