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Daibhi O Croinin
Early Medieval Ireland[zasłonięte]400-12
Longman 1995
380 s., 23 cm
stan dobry (na kilkunastu kartach zaznaczenia ołowkiem)

Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki CONTENTS List of maps ix Acknowledgements ;x List of abbrevations x Preface xi Editors foreword xiv Framework ofeuents lntroduction 8 CHAPTER l The beginnings of Irish history 14 Christianity in Gaul 15 Christianity in Britain 17 Channels of conversion 18 Palladius and the Roman mission 20 Patrick 23 The first Christians 27 Techniąues of conversion 30 Christianity and the ogam stones 33 Religion, words and names 36 CHAPTER 2 Kingdoms, peoples and politics, AD400-800 41 Older population groups 41 Saga and history 4} The kingdom of the Ulaid 48 The Battle of Móin Dairi Lothair 49 The kingdom of Leinster 52 Kings and saints ^4 The kingdom of Munster 57 Early Munster population groups 58 The kingdom of Connaught 59 CHAPTER 3 Kings and kingship 63 Regnal succession -^ Tdnaise rig - 'heir apparent? 67 Procedures for selecting kings 70 The king's house 71 Ordinary houses 4 Kings' protection 7' Kings' truth Rechtge, cdiii and royal law 78 CHAPTER 4 Land, settlement and economy 85 The medieval landscape 85 Land and the law 89 Agriculture Mills and milling Food and diet Bees and bee-keeping Population 103 [zasłonięte] 108 CHAPTER 5 Law, family and community 11° ■National law' or 'territorial law? 112 Laws and institutions Early Irish law - its naturę and its law-texts !14 Evolution, 'uniformify' and 'immutability' of the law H7 The first law-schools 12° Roman law and barbarian law ^ Clerical influence on Visigothic law 122 Clerical influence on Brehon law ^2^ Women: marriage, law and property 12^ Marriage and divorce 1 "^ The legał status of women Women, children and the family Sureties ^ The law: its function and workings "^ Clientship and standards of living l41 Family, kindred and land 143 Cooperative farming l44 CHAPTER 6 The consolidation of the church 147 The Gallican Church in the 4th-5th centuries 1^8 Transformation? . . Organization 1-49 CONTENTS Cummians Letter 152 Armagh and its claims to primacy ]S4 Amiagh and Sletty 156 Opposition to Armagh 159 Authority in the early Irish Church lól Proprietary churches 162 CHAPTER 7 The first Christian schools 169 Roman scripts and Irish books K59 Beginnings of Irish literacy 171 British influence 173 Learning Latin 174 Columbanus and his teachers 17(5 Monastic schools 178 Scribes and calligraphies Igl Grammars and grammarians 183 Reputation of Irish schools 186 Latin and the vernacular 189 Scholars' books 193 CHAPTER 8 The Golden Age 196 Monastic rules and penitentials 197 Columbanus, man of letters 199 Controversies 201 Bilingual texts and glosses 203 Biblical interpretation 205 Hisperica Famina 207 Hagiography 208 Hiberno-Latin flowering 211 Spanish connections 213 Hiberno-Latin poetry 214 Discordant voices 221 Wandering scholars 222 Sedulius Scottus and Iohannes Eriugena 224 The waning star - the tenth century and after 229 CHAPTER 9 The Viking Age 233 The earliest Yiking attacks - first and second phases 23-ł The first longphorts 238 Earlier raids? 239 Character of the Yiking impact -39 CONTENTS Archaeological evidence - Dublin 242 Westward from the continent to Ireland 244 Irish recovery; captive Irish 247 Danes, Norse, Irish, Britons 250 The Vikings of Dublin, AD873-902 254 Dublin abandoned and regained 255 The second Dublin settlement 256 The Viking achievement 260 The Battle of Clontarf 266 Viking influence after 1014 268 Cultural and economic influence 269 CHAPTER io Ireland 1[zasłonięte]014-12 272 Rule Britannia 272 After Clontarf - new kings? 273 Turlough 0'Brien 277 Muirchertach 0'Brien 279 Turlough 0'Connor 282 Muirchertach Mac Loughlin 284 Dermot Mac Murrough 285 The Anglo-Normans and Henry II 287 Roty 0'Connor deposed 289 The inevitable Anglo-Norman triumph? 290 Feudalization in Ireland c. 1000 291 Glossary of terms 293 Maps 303 A guide tofurther reading 310 Bibliography 317 lndex