Wydanie oryginalne w idealnym stanie, nieużywane
UWAGA !!! Film nie posiada polskiej wersji językowej !!!
Reżyseria: Peter Greenaway Czas: 224 minutyRegion: 2 PAL (Europa, Polska)Języki: angielskiNapisy: brak
VERTICAL FEATURES REMAKE ( 1976 ) introduces the figure of Tulse Luper, a fictional character that later would be the "protagonist" of a film trilogy ( "Tulse Luper stair case" series ). V.F.Remake is a sarcastic and playful parody of structuralism theorising, academic criticism and cultural institutions around a false documentary and his many reconstructions.
THE FALLS ( 1978 ) is a catalogue of 92 invented biographies of people whose name begins with the word " falls " and affected by an unknown illness ( the U.V.E. ) in some way connected with birds and flying.This is a seminal work of Greenaway's particular mithology that works as a game of mirrors in which he blends bizarre situations, human mutations, false interviews, archive footage, ironic self-references ( he introduces in a new context stuff of his previous films ) and conceptual playing inside an structure that by its peculiar characteristics and form, as the director has told, can be reformulated and extended "ad infinitum". " The falls " is probably the film that better illustrates Greenaway's cinema conception and his voluptuous and enciclopedic spirit:his passion for catalogues and dictionaries; his interest in structuralism and conceptual games; his taste in weird artefacts, bizarre invention, the theatre of absurd and barroque visual compositions, also as his miscellaneous erudition. All this packed in an only film directed with fine irony and amazing visual invention.
The scores of both films have been composed by Michael Nyman and this DVD edition supervised by Greenaway himself..