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E-SHOCK 2020 Michael De Kare-Silver

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e-shock 2020: How the Digital Technology Revolution Is Changing Business and All Our Lives

E-SHOCK 2020 Michael De Kare-Silver



Author: Michael De Kare-Silver
Language: English
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Publication Date: 30 Sep 2011
Dimensions: 16.2 x 1.5 x 24 cm
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 168
Condition: NEW
Product_ID: ABCACA1304



From the author of the ground-breaking and landmark books e-shock 2000, Strategy in Crisis and Streamlining, comes this breakthrough new work looking at the future of the digital age. It examines how the rapidly developing technology revolution is changing the way business must operate in this unfolding 21st century. It also considers the impact on people and how our daily lives and life styles will change!for ever. In particular there's a blueprint and roadmap showing how companies can navigate their way through the rapidly changing environment and still emerge as winners. Everything we are used to is changing. Our computer world of point and click is morphing into Think, Talk and Move, where just thought, voice and simple remote gestures will control 3D holographic displays of data, content and video. Companies will need to reinvent themselves as MCEs, 'multi-channel enterprises', in which there is seamless cross-channel interaction with customers and they will also need to change the way their operating systems and processes are organized. The shift of consumer spend to online will see traditional retailing under threat as high street bricks 'n mortar economics are undermined.Expect massive changes among retailers and also the commercial property companies as they restructure their portfolios. New advances in the Cloud will cut costs and time to market and challenge decades of IT infrastructure. Technology generally is now becoming the key source of enablement and competitive advantage.




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