Wzorowany na zaprojektowanym przez Hansa Achtzigera dla Hutschenreuther wpod koniec lat 50tych- fason- Luciana – pokryty siateczką wgłębień- z piękną dekoracją wianuszek róż oplata kołnierz dzbanka. Pokrywka z dwoma ząbkami- niewypadająca- świetnie trzyma się na swoim miejscu- szeroki wygodny uchwyt pomaga w wolnym i precyzyjnym nalewaniu – wysoki smukły kształt sprawia, że w wysokim słupie wody cisnienie na dnie dzbanka jest wyższe- co pomaga w doskonałym zaparzeniu kawy – długi ładny dzióbek… Prawdziwe cudo
Do tego podobnie zdobiony porcelanową koronką mlecznik Winterling z tego samego okresu.
Pojawienie się tego dzbanka na stole za każdym razem wzbudzi zachwyt.
Stan idealny – jak nowy bez śladów używania…
Dzbanek 1,3l Wysokość 23,5 cm średnica 11,5 cm od ucha do dzióbka 20,5 cm
Mlecznik wysokość 9,1 cm średnica 6 cm od dzióbka do ucha 8,2 cm
Porzellanfabrik Eduard Haberländer (1913 until 1929)
The founder of the factory and councilor to the board of commerce Eduard Haberländer had been planning such a facility in Windischeschenbach since 1906 but it took until 1913 before he could finally realize his plans and first production started in 1916, still restricted to staple commodities. The first product ranges were cheap and simple and production capacity was low.
[2] : Porzellanfabrik Oscar Schaller & Co. Nachfolger (1929 until 1950)
During 1929 the factory was taken over by Porzellanfabrik Oscar Schaller & Co. Nachfolger located in Schwarzenbach (Saxony-Anhalt), which at that point was a branch of the Gebrüder Winterling O.H.G. in Röslau (Upper Franconia, Bavaria). Based on a new concept, products under the 'Eschenbach' mark were changed. Up until 1935, the status of quality porcelain had been established, resulting in a strong economic upturn. But World War II left scars even in Windischeschenbach. The reason that only a small range of china from the 1913 to 1945 period still exists is that all china design ranges as well as all brochures and leaflets and nearly all company documents and correspondence were lost during the eviction by American soldiers. To get production on the way again the factory used molds from the defunct Porzellan-Manufaktur Allach-München G.m.b.H. and the resulting product range of course mostly included ornamental plates and tableware. For the first ten years after World War II, the factory went through an extensive expansion and modernization process with a later total of five tunnel kilns without a loss of production capacity.
[3] : Porzellanfabrik Gebrüder Winterling A.G. (1950 until 2000)
In 1950, the 'Winterling' company had corporation status and gave out shares, the main shareholders being the 'Winterling' family members. All daughter companies were re-named to 'Gebrüder Winterling A.G.' and most marks used up until then were changed. Next to normal household products, the factory started to specialize on hotel porcelain and around 1977 employed approximately 700 workers.
[4] : Triptis Porzellan G.m.b.H. & Co. K.G., Werk Windischeschenbach (2000 until 2003)
After the bankruptcy of the 'Winterling A.G.' in November 2000 the factory and mark were taken over by the Triptis Porzellan G.m.b.H. & Co. K.G. located in Triptis (Thuringia). The factory produced high quality household and hotel porcelain under the trademark 'Eschenbach Porzellan'. The Triptis management seemed only to be interested in the trademarks related to the Windischeschenbach facility and closed the factory in December 2003. But a company can not survive alone with a bunch of trademarks and soon it was obvious that the Triptis management had bitten off more than they could chew. Confronted with large scaled financial problems, Triptis themselves went insolvent on October 7th 2004 and had to file for bankruptcy a month later. In June 2005 the Triptis company was refounded as 'Neue Porzellanfabrik Triptis G.m.b.H.' and continued business, please view the Triptis entry for further info.