art222915Yogi Bear (Miś Yogi) (EN) [Blu-Ray]+[Blu-Ray 3D] Yogi Bear
scenariusz: Joshua Sternin, Jeffrey Ventimilia, Brad Copeland obsada: Dan Aykroyd, Anna Faris, Michelle Ruff, Andrew Daly, Steve Alterman, Stephen Stanton, Kirk Baily, Isabella Acres, T.J. Miller, Greg Johnson, Shane Baumel, Will Shadley, Nathan Corddry, Michael Morris, Dean Knowsley, Seth Morris, Stephen Apostolina, Raymond Ochoa, Juan Pope, Tom Cavanagh ...
Opis A blend of live action and computer animation, Yogi Bear is a lighthearted comedy featuring everyone's favorite smarter-than-average bear, Yogi (Dan Aykroyd), and his pal Boo-Boo (Justin Timberlake). Ranger Smith (Tom Cavanagh) and his assistant Ranger Jones (T.J. Miller) are charged with keeping everything running smoothly in Jellystone Park, which basically translates into keeping Yogi's obsession with stealing people's picnic baskets under control and stocking the pamphlet stand. But when Mayor Brown (Andrew Daly) decides to close the park and rezone the land to allow widespread logging, Ranger Smith must find a way to make the park quickly turn a profit to stop the process and save the park from destruction. Documentary filmmaker Rachel (Anna Faris) happens to be in the park on a quest to film the unusual talking bear Yogi, so she and Ranger Smith team up and create a big centennial celebration that has the potential to save the park. Unfortunately, a crazy stunt by Yogi derails the celebration and destroys any chance of the park making a profit. The question is, was there sabotage involved and is there any other way to save the park? This film is packed full of crazy inventions, silly gags, high adventure, and slapstick comedy, and, while it's really just fanciful entertainment, it does leave viewers with the message that you can't fail if you never stop trying.
stan produktu: Produkt ORYGINALNY. Płyta zupełnie NOWA. (w przypadku konieczności zabezpieczenia dysku przed wypadnięciem folia fabryczna zostaje zmieniona)
format obrazu: 16:9 | 1,85:1 anamorficzny napisy:  angielskie  duńskie  fińskie  norweskie  szwedzkie  włoskie dodatki: · bezpośredni dostęp do scen · Fun on The Yogi Bear Set - Immerse Yourself on Location (3D) · Tour of Jellystone Park - Led by Ranger Jones (3D) · Jellystone Park Jewel - Yogi's Secret Hiding Spot (3D) · New Looney Tunes Cartoon Rabid Rider (3D) · Spending a day at JellyStone Park are smarter than The Average Bear (2D) ilość nośników: [1xBLU-RAY] + [1xBLU-RAY 3D] licencja: bez licencji do wypożyczania
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