art222924Monster in Paris (Przygoda w Paryżu) (EN) [Blu-Ray 3D]+[DVD] Un monstre a Paris
scenariusz: Bibo Bergeron, Stéphane Kazandjian obsada: Bob Balaban, Danny Huston, Adam Goldberg, Catherine O'Hara, Gad Elmaleh, Ludivine Sagnier, Jay Harrington, François Cluzet, Julie Ferrier, Matthew Geczy, Sean Lennon, Bruno Salomone, Mathieu Chedid, Sébastien Desjours, Philippe Peythieu, Vanessa Paradis
Opis A fun, lively animated feature, A Monster In Paris isn't the first movie of its ilk to question who is a monster and who is a man, but it's an enjoyable one nonetheless. Set in Paris in 1910, the key characters are investor Raoul and projectionist Emile, along with the monster of the film's title. At first, the hunt for said monster is a conventional one, and equally inevitably, he's far from the beast that he originally appears. That doesn't quell the desire of the chief of police to catch him, though, and a fairly conventional story slots into place from there.
Yet it's a well told one. There are welcome quirks to A Monster In Paris that give it some character of its own, and the Paris locations are wonderfully animated, too. Inevitably, there are comparisons, and fair ones, to be drawn with The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, and A Monster In Paris is no equal to, for example, Disney's telling of that story. But still, it's a funny, breezy and entertaining film, tailored well to a young audience.
As with most modern animated movies, it looks terrific on Blu-ray, too. The extra detail afforded by the 1080p transfer is immediately apparent, and the encompassing sound mix, too, scores highly. It's a strong transfer, of a good, solid family movie. --Jon Foster
stan produktu: Produkt ORYGINALNY. Zupełnie nowy.
format obrazu: 16:9 | 1,78:1 napisy:  angielskie dodatki: · bezpośredni dostęp do scen ilość nośników: [1xDVD] + [1xBlu-Ray 3D] licencja: bez licencji do wypożyczania EAN: 503[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]55163
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