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dvdmaxpl BRITTEN & BARTOK (2CD)

01-02-2014, 13:32
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Koniec: 01-02-2014 13:18:39

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Britten & Bartok [2CD]
Bela Bartok, Benjamin Britten
rok wydania:
Lista utworów
CD 1:
1. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act I: PreludeBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
2. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act I, The Palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom: The Fool and the Dwarf (David Purser, principal trombone)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
3. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act I, The Palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom: March and Courtiers' Dance (John Harle, alto saxophone)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
4. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act I, The Palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom: Entry of the Pages and the Four Kings (Sebastian Bell, principal flute)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
5. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act I, The Palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom: Variation of the King of the NorthBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
6. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act I, The Palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom: Variation of the King of the East (Michael Thompson, horn)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
7. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act I, The Palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom: Variation of the King of the WestBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
8. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act I, The Palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom: Variation of the King of the South (John Chimes, timpani; Kevin Nutty, native drums)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
9. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act I, The Palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom: The Kings bow before the EmperorBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
10. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act I, The Palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom: Variation of Princess Belle EpineBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
11. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act I, The Palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom: Variation of Princess Belle Rose and Pas de deux (Gareth Hulse, oboe; John Miller, trumpet)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
12. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act I, The Palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom: The Kings and Belle RoseBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
13. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act I, The Palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom: Belle Epine and the Four KingsBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
14. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act I, The Palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom: The Rage of the KingsBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
15. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act I, The Palace of the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom: Entry of the Four Winged Frogs (John Orford, principal bassoon)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
16. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 1: The Strange Journey of Belle Rose to the Pagoda Land: Introduction: Belle Rose borne in by the FrogsBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
17. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 1: The Strange Journey of Belle Rose to the Pagoda Land: Waltz (Clouds, Stars and Moon)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
18. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 1: The Strange Journey of Belle Rose to the Pagoda Land: Belle Rose borne in by the FrogsBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
19. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 1: The Strange Journey of Belle Rose to the Pagoda Land: Entrée (Sea Horses, Fish Creatures and Waves)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
20. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 1: The Strange Journey of Belle Rose to the Pagoda Land: Variation (Sea Horses)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
21. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 1: The Strange Journey of Belle Rose to the Pagoda Land: Variation (Fish Creatures) (Helen Tunstall, harp; Joy Farrall, clarinet)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
22. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 1: The Strange Journey of Belle Rose to the Pagoda Land: CodaBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
23. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 1: The Strange Journey of Belle Rose to the Pagoda Land: Belle Rose borne in by the FrogsBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
24. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 1: The Strange Journey of Belle Rose to the Pagoda Land: Pas de deux (Male and Female Flames)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
25. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 1: The Strange Journey of Belle Rose to the Pagoda Land: Variation (Male Flame)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
26. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 1: The Strange Journey of Belle Rose to the Pagoda Land: Variation (Female Flame)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
27. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 1: The Strange Journey of Belle Rose to the Pagoda Land: CodaBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
28. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 1: The Strange Journey of Belle Rose to the Pagoda Land: Belle Rose, exhausted, borne in by the FrogsBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
29. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 2: The Arrival and Adventures of Belle Rose in the Kingdom of the Pagodas: Belle Rose in darkness (Nona Liddell, violin)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
30. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 2: The Arrival and Adventures of Belle Rose in the Kingdom of the Pagodas: The Pagodas (James Holland, principal percussion; John Constable, principal keyboard)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
31. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 2: The Arrival and Adventures of Belle Rose in the Kingdom of the Pagodas: The SalamanderBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
32. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 2: The Arrival and Adventures of Belle Rose in the Kingdom of the Pagodas: Pas de deux (The Prince and Belle Rose)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten (Nicholas Daniel, cor anglais; Helen Tunstall, harp) ] – Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
33. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act II, Scene 2: The Arrival and Adventures of Belle Rose in the Kingdom of the Pagodas: Belle Rose hunts for the PrinceBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
CD 2:
1. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 1: The Palace of the Middle Kingdom: Empress Belle EpineBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
2. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 1: The Palace of the Middle Kingdom: The Old Emperor (John Harle, alto saxophone)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
3. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 1: The Palace of the Middle Kingdom: Appearance of Belle Rose and the SalamanderBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
4. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 2: The Pagoda Palace: TransformationBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
5. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 2: The Pagoda Palace: Pas de six: EntréeBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
6. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 2: The Pagoda Palace: Variation I: Pas de deuxBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
7. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 2: The Pagoda Palace: Variation II: Girl's Solo (Nona Liddell, violin; Christopher van Kampen, cello)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
8. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 2: The Pagoda Palace, Variation III : Boy's SoloBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
9. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 2: The Pagoda Palace, Variation III : Pas de troisBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
10. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 2: The Pagoda Palace, Variation III : CodaBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
11. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 2: The Pagoda Palace: Pas de caractère (The Emperor and the Fool)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
12. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 2: The Pagoda Palace: Pas de deux (Belle Rose and the Prince of the Pagodas)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
13. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 2: The Pagoda Palace: Variation (The Prince)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
14. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 2: The Pagoda Palace: Variation (Belle Rose)Bela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
15. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 2: The Pagoda Palace: FinaleBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
16. The Prince of the Pagodas - Ballet in three acts Op. 57, Act III, Scene 2: The Pagoda Palace: ApotheosisBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
17. The Miraculous Mandarin. Op.19: BeginningBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
18. The Miraculous Mandarin. Op.19: The curtain risesBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
19. The Miraculous Mandarin. Op.19: First seduction gameBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
20. The Miraculous Mandarin. Op.19: Second seduction gameBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
21. The Miraculous Mandarin. Op.19: Third seduction gameBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
22. The Miraculous Mandarin. Op.19: The Mandarin entersBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
23. The Miraculous Mandarin. Op.19: Dance of the girlBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
24. The Miraculous Mandarin. Op.19: The chaseBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
25. The Miraculous Mandarin. Op.19: The tramps leap outBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
26. The Miraculous Mandarin. Op.19: Suddenly the Mandarin's head appearsBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
27. The Miraculous Mandarin. Op.19: They drag the Mandarin to the centre of the roomBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
28. The Miraculous Mandarin. Op.19: The Mandarin falls to the floorBela Bartok & Benjamin Britten
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Produkt ORYGINALNY. Płyta zupełnie NOWA. (w przypadku konieczności zabezpieczenia dysku przed wypadnięciem folia fabryczna zostaje zmieniona)
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