DUNE. HOUSE CORRINO; Brian Herbert, Kevin K. Anderson - 17,80

język angielski kategoria: science fiction stan dobry, naderwania na grzbiecie obwoluty oprawa twarda z obwolutą rok wydania: 2001 ISBN: 0[zasłonięte]553-114-5 ilość stron: 498 waga: 779 g
In 'Dune: House Corrino' Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson bring us the magnificent final chapter in the unforgettable saga begun in 'Dune: House Atreides' and continued in 'Dune: House Harkonnen'. Here nobles and commoners, soldiers and slaves, wives and courtesans shape the amazing destiny of a tumultuous universe. An epic saga of Iove and war, crime and politics, religion and revolution, this magnificent novel is a fitting conclusion to a great science fiction trilogy.. .and an invaluable addition to the thrilling world of Frank Herbert`s immortal Dune.
Fearful of losing his precarious hold on the Golden Lion Throne, Shaddam IV, Emperor of a Million Worlds, has devised a radical scheme to develop an alternative to melange, the addictive spice that binds the Imperium together and that can be found only on the desert world of Dune. In subterranean labs on the machine planet Ix, cruel Tleilaxu overlords use slaves and prisoners as part of a horrific plan to manufacture a synthetic form of melange known as amal. If amal can supplant the spice from Dune, it will give Shaddam what he seeks: absolute power.
But Duke Leto Atreides, grief-stricken yet unbowed by the tragic death of his son Victor, determined to restore the honor and prestige of his House, has his own plans for Ix. He wiII free the Ixians from their oppressive conquerors and restore his friend Prince Rhombur, injured scion of the disgraced House Vernius, to his rightful place as Ixian ruler. It is a bold and risky venture, for House Atreides has Iimited military resources and many ruthless enemies, including the sadistic Baron Harkonnen, despotic master of Dune. [...]
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