Ilan Kutz
The Dreamland Companion
A Bedside Diary and Guide to Dream Interpretation
New York 1993
Stron 155, format: 21x21 cm
Książka jest nowa.
Pierwsze 46 stron to tekst naukowy, następne zaś mają formę dziennika do zapisywania.
36 kolorowych i 14 czarno-białych ilustracji.
A combination dream diary and guide to dream analysis features a clear and intelligent study that helps readers understand their dreams, evocative art reproductions, literary quotations, and space to record dreams
Contents ix Preface: Invitation to Dreamland 24
1 FROM THE GODS TO THE SELF: A HISTORY OF DREAM INTERPRETATION Divine History The Royal Road to the Unconscious: Freud, Jung, and Modern Psychology The Dreaming Brain Memory Span of Dreams Dreams as Statements of the Self Risks and Benefits of Dream Interpretation
14 THE STRUCTURE AND LANGUAGE OF DREAMS The Two Ways the Mind Works How Dreams Construct Their Symbols The Many Masks of the Self The Shadow Mask Nightmares and Night Terrors Dreams Following Trauma
24 DECODING AND INTERPRETING The Raw Statement Memory Enhancing Suggestive Techniques Technical Tips The Interrogation of the Dream The Decoding Layouts Layout 1: Center Page Layout 2: Color Coding Layout 3: Split Page When No Associations Come to Mind Choosing the Correct Interpretation Difficult Themes to Interpret: Death, Illness, and Sex Death and Illness Dreams Bidden and Forbidden Sex Dreams Indexing Conclusion: A Never-ending Story 154 CALENDAR-INDEX 166 Recommended Reading List