Roger Osborne
London 2001
Stron VI+252, format: 16x22 cm
Spell-binding, horrific, poetic, apocalyptic, heart-rending,disturbing, prophetic, seditious, compelling and utterlyfascinating - the dreams of Lucrecia de Leon have lainvirtually undisturbed in the archives of the SpanishInquisition for more than four hundred years.Lucrecia was a nineteen-year-old Madrilena when,in 1587, her dreams began to be recorded andpublished by a disaffected group of clerics. Over thenext three years they transcribed four hundred ofLucrecia's dreams which they considered to bemessages from God. The dreams warned of thedefeat of the Armada, of the death of King Philip II,of the fall of Spain and of a new beginning under anew king - all told in bold and highly original visions.As some of her prophecies came true and as theSpanish court grew more discontented, she fell foul ofthe authorities and was arrested by the Holy Order.The Dreamer of the Calle de San Salvador producesthirty-five of Lucrecia's most captivating dreams.The imagery and inventiveness of her visions areastonishing, while the stories that they tell arecompelling and of immense historical significance.Roger Osborne weaves a commentary around eachdream which allows us to see the world through theeyes of Lucrecia and helps us to understand thenature of her visions and the time and place sheinhabited. This pioneering work shows us whathistory is like seen from the inside out.