Science and the case for animal rights
Steven M. Wise
Stan: Bardzo dobry
Rok wydania: 2002
Wydawnictwo: Perseus Books
Liczba stron: 322
Are we ready for parrots and dolphins to be treated as persons before the law? In this unprecedented
exploration of animal cognition along the evolutionary spectrum-from infants and children to other
intelligent primates, from dolphins, parrots, elephants, and dogs to colonies of honeybees-Steve Wise finds
answers to the big question in animal rights today: Where do we draw the line? Readers will be enthralled
as they follow Wise's firsthand account of the world's most famous animal experts at work: Cynthia Moss
and the touchingly affectionate families of Amboseli; Irene Pepperberg and her amazing and witty African Grey
parrot, Alex; and Penny Paterson with the formidable gorilla Koko. In many cases, Wise was able to sustain
an extended conversation with these extraordinary creatures. No one with even a shred of curiosity about
animal intelligence or justice will want to miss this book.
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