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Dorson, Folklore and Folktale folklor etnografia

13-07-2014, 0:07
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Koniec: 13-07-2014 00:11:09

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Waga (z opakowaniem): 1.20 [kg]
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1982
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Folklore and Folktale

An Introduction

Edited by Richard M. Dorson

The University of Chicago Press 1982

Stron 571

Tekst: angielski


Książka ma załamaną okładkę, bez śladów czytania.


"This introduction to Ihe studv of folklore and folklife contains an inspiring
and spirited mixture of cssays, theoretical contributions, practicat
instructions, and pure encyclopedia articles. It is a very well put together
book, u ritten by eighteen researchers who have something to say.   The 

entire book is a large stock-taking that shows how far the niore or less established study of folk culture in the United States has come. And the book demonstrates with great clarity that this study is an independent subject, which is characterized by its areas of subject matter." — lorn Rio, Journal of American Folklore 

"Daran and bis fellow essayists must he applauded by folklorists of all persuasions for producing a comprehensive introductory volume, broad in scope and detailed in its treatment, which will provide invaluable service for both those desiring a general familiarity with folklore and those already involvcd in folkloristicstudies." — Stephen Stern, Pacific Historical Review

"|This| book will set the Standards in |its| field for some time to come         for Richard M. Dorson has brought together ihe foremost experts in any number of folkloric fields to introduce the subtopics." —Christian Century

RICHARD M. DORSON (1916-81) was Distinguished Professor of History and Folklore and director of the Folklore Institute at Indiana University. His many puhlished works include American Folklore, The British Folklorists, Huying the Wind: Regional Folklore in the L'nited States, American Folklore and the Historian, and Folktales Told around the World, all publishet by the University of Chicago Press.



PREFACE            RICHARD M.  DORSON            ix


Conccpts o/ Folklore and Folklije Studies

RICHARD M. DORSON                                                 l

I.  THE FIELDS OF FOLKLIFE STUDIES                              51

Oral Folklore

1. Folk Narrative       linda degh                                   53

2.    Narrative Folk Poetry        w. edson richmond    85

3.    Folk Epic        felix j. oinas                                         99

4.    Proverbs and Proverbial Expressions

ROGER  D.   ABRAHAMS                                      117

5.    Riddles       roger d. abrahams and alan dundes 129

6.    Folk Speech        w. edson richmond                    145

Social Folk Custom

1. Festivals and Celebrations        robert j. smith  159

8.    Recreations and Games        robert a. georges  173

9. Folk Medicine        don yoder                                 191

10.                            Folk Religion        john c. messenger  217

Material Cultnre

11.Folk Crafts       warren e. roberts                          233

12.Folk Art       henry glassie                                        253

13.Folk Architecture       warren e. roberts              281

14.Folk Costume       don yoder                                  295

15.Folk Cookery        don yoder                                   325

Folk Arts

IG. Folk Drama        roger d. abrahams                     351

17.Folk Music        george list                                      363

18.Folk Dance        joann wiieeler kealiinohomoku 381


1. Fieldwork: Collecting Oral Literature

DONALD A.  MACDONALD                                 407

2. Fieldwork: Recording Material Culture

WARREN  E.   ROBERTS                                431

3. Fieldwork: Recording Traditional Music

GEORGE LIST                                                           445

4.   Archiving       george list                                         455

5.   The Use of Printed Sources         richard m. dorson 465

6.   Folk Atlas Mapping        robert wildhaber           479

7.   The Use of Artifacts and Folk Art in the

Folk Museum        j. geraint jenkins                  497

8. The Cultural Geographer and Folklife

Research        e. estyn evans                                 517

CONTRIBUTORS                                                                533

INDEX                                                                                      535



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