Visions of Death
Hells Headbangers
Death Metal
Staroszkolny death metal prosto z Nowego Jorku. Przygotuj się na potężną dawkę horror, pain, gore i death metalu inspirowanego takimi płytami jak "Severed Survival", "Horrified", "Into the Grave" czy "Scream Bloody Gore"!
Doskonały krążek dla maniaków REPULSION, DEATH, AUTOPSY, GRAVE!
"Remember the days when death metal fully embraced gore, horror, pain, and perversity? Well, Disfigured Dead have revitalized the genre by going back to the basics" - Examiner.com
"Possesses not only the morbid atmosphere and lightning-quick riffery of early ENTOMBED and DISMEMBER, but also the quintessentially gruesome attack of AUTOPSY or Scream Bloody Gore-era DEATH, all twisted into form with the band's own OTT songwriting sensibility. Disfigured Dead stands alongside California's FATALIST as one of ugly, old-school death metal's great black hopes, so it stands to stay that this disc should purchased by all underground minions posthaste" - Metalmaniacs.com
"Visions of REPULSION, GRAVE, and AUTOPSY danced about my head as these dudes laid down the law... Deadites who can't get enough of that old-school vibe done right should definitely check out Visions of Death. Disfigured Dead definitely have it going on" - ExplicitlyIntense.com
1. Beyond the Darkness
2. The Gates of Hells
3. Screamatorium
4. Mentally Mutilated
5. Welcome to the Morgue
6. The Act of an Unsound Mind
7. Dead but Walking
8. Trapped Between Worlds
9. Visions of Death
10. They Hear Your Heart Beating
11. Possessed Dead
12. Eternally Entombed