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Dictionary of Geography - Audrey N. clark

19-01-2012, 17:21
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The New Penguin Dictionary of Geography is an ideal, up-to-date companion for students, teachers and everyone with an interest in environmental issues. It replaces G. E. Moore's 949 edition by reflecting the expanded nature of the subject and increased concern about related topics, including the use of world resources and pollution.

Geography has evolved from a simple descriptive science of the nineteenth century into the major academic discipline and applied science of today. It concentrates on the interaction of people with the earth's physical phenomena (the 'natural' environment) and with their self-created (social) environments. It correlates the findings of other disciplines relevant to that aim (climatology, geology, economics, ecology, etc.) and adopts some of their terminology.

This new concise dictionary, with its succinct definitions, is unique in covering in one volume the main terms now in use (including foreign terms and American usage where appropriate). From aa and ablation, through truck-farming, troposphere and tundra to X-rays, zinc and zonal soils, all is to be found in this splendidly comprehensive work.

Wydana Przez Penguinn Books w 1990, stron 358