Replenish, refresh, and revive your body with Dr.
Baker's breakthrough program found in ''Detoxification
and Healing Reviews'' from the first edition.
'''Detoxification and Healing'' is at the leading edge
of its field ...destined, I believe, to move into the
mainstream of medical practice treating toxins and their
link to immunology and neurobiology ...a pioneering opus
of great importance' - Charles Lee Remington, Lecturer
and Professor Emeritus in Biology and Environmental
Studies, Yale University. 'Dr. Sidney Baker begins the
journey of understanding preventive medicine by
introducing us to detoxification and healing
...foreshadows an era of looking at health as a balance
of internal and external chemistries, signals, and
systems' - Lloyd R. Saberski, M.D., Director, Yale
University Center for Pain Management, and Associate
Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology, Yale University
School of Medicine.Let food be thy medicine and medicine
be thy food with the natural detox program found in Dr.
Sidney MacDonald Baker's bestselling ''Detoxification
and Healing''. Updated to prescribe simple, step-by-step
treatments to alleviate your ailments, Dr.Baker arms you
with immediate actions to take to start cleansing your
body of harmful toxins! The new and revised
edition of ''Detoxification and Healing features:
detailed information on medications, vitamins, and
mineral supplements, including exact dosages and
frequency; frequently misdiagnosed food allergies and
drug reactions; new information on gluten allergies,
mercury poisoning, and the harmful effects of aluminum;
and much more. Sidney MacDonald Baker, M.D., is a
practicing physician, board-certified in obstetrics and
pediatrics, with a special interest in the environmental
and biochemical aspects of the chronic health problems
of children and adults. |