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DESIDERII MARGINIS - Procession LP / raison d'etre

13-03-2015, 23:27
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 50 zł     
Użytkownik Alchembria
numer aukcji: 5145707107
Miejscowość gdańsk
Wyświetleń: 1   
Koniec: 13-03-2015 23:17:41

Dodatkowe informacje:
Rok wydania (1900 - 2050): 2014
Stan: Nowy
Rozmiar płyty: 12 cali
Obroty: 33 rpm
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Winylowa edycja albumu Desiderii Marginis
Wydanie w gatefoldzie z plakatem
Ścisły limit

Jedna z najlepszych płyt 2012 roku!

info od wydawcy:
"Procession" heralds the reawakening of the acclaimed swedish dark ambient project Desiderii Marginis, an album that sounds at the same time warmingly familiar and inspiringly new. While Desiderii Marginis is perhaps not as prolific as some other acts, it's "quality over quantity" motto always makes it well worth the wait and this is certainly no exception. The eight pieces that make up this new album stand firmly on their own, and yet form an even more remarkable whole. Johan Levin envokes a grand soundscape, beneath the faded remnants of the celestial spheres where timbres have space to grow, evolve and reflect off each other, a sombre, melancholic thoughtfullness, a calm to dwell in, and long back to. The atmosphere of the album is not that of solid darkness, or an abyss opening beneath you, but rather a wintery pale, grey dusk casting long, sweeping shadows. A haze that makes you uncertain if it’s really getting lighter or darker.