Dennis Cooper's writing has acquired a ferocious
reputation for its bold experimentation, its
transgressive content, and its emotional content, which
is both Romantic and touching, whilst cold and
hard-edged. For over twenty years Cooper has explored
the boundaries of human living, and sexuality's
centrality to that living. The extreme situations he
develops in his writing bring out parts of gay
experience that a consensual 'community' often shies
away from, likewise the heterosexual mainstream. His
most important genre is undoubtedly fiction, but Cooper
has also written poetry, large quantities of
journalistic works, notably for 'Artforum' and 'Spin',
and, recently has had great success and recognition with
theatrical works. The book enters deep into the worlds
Cooper fabricates -- and into the coolness of his
expression. This challenging work is addressed by a
group of mostly young and new critical writers and
academics who provide creative responses to Cooper's
artistry. The contributions, which cover the breadth of
Cooper's work, develop themes and devices that advance
his profound and disturbing world view. In addition to
the artistic responses, the topics in the critical
pieces range from sexuality in the suburbs, to
neurological responses to the work, via the limits and
possibilities of bodies. Others look at the implications
of contemporary electronic communication as outlined in
Cooper's recent work, or the use of space. Cooper's
writing receives a multi-faceted contextualisation, and
his literary ideas are made accessible to any reader
interested in learning why Cooper is today regarded as
one of the foremost writers in expressing the
psychological point behind the centrality of sexual