Serwer Dell PowerEdge 2970 w konfiguracji:
1 x Opteron 2344HE 1,7 Ghz Quad Core, 6 x HDD 146 GB 10 000 obr/min SAS 2,5", pamieć RAM 16 GB ddr2 (4x4GB), DVD, wysokość 2U, 2 x zasilacz, w komplecie szyny do szafy, kabel sieciowy, pracował w dużej sieci ,service tag 4FKF24J, Windows Server 2003 R2 1-4 cpu COA
Form Factor 2U rack
Processors Up to Six-Core AMD Opteron™ 2400 series processors
Processor Sockets 2
Front Side Bus or
HyperTransport HT1, HT3 available depending on processor selected
Cache 6x512k Dedicated L2 and up to 6MB L3 Cache
Chipset Broadcom HT-2100 and HT-1000 server I/O controllers
Up to 64GB (8 DIMM slots): 512MB/1GB/2GB/4GB/8GB ECC DDR2
I/O Slots Three PCIe slots, (one x4 with x8 connector and two x8)
RAID Controller Optional PERC 5/i integrated SAS/SATA II daughtercard controller with 256MB cache, PERC 5/e adapter, PERC 6/i and SAS
6/iR, or PERC 6.2 Firmware
Drive Bays
8 x 2.5” Hard Drive ;
Peripheral bay options; Floppy Drive, PowerVault™ 100T Tape Drive;
Slim optical drive bay DVD-ROM
Maximum Internal Storage1
6TB SATA or Near Line SAS
Hard Drives1
2.5” 6Gbs SAS (10K): 300GB, 600GB
2.5” SAS (10K RPM): 73GB, 146GB, 300GB
2.5” SAS (15K RPM) 36GB, 73GB, 146GB
2.5” SATA II (5.4K RPM): 80GB, 160GB, 250GB
2.5” SATA II (7.2K RPM): 80GB, 120GB, 160GB, 250GB
Dual embedded Broadcom® NetXtreme II™ 5708 Gigabit Ethernet NIC with failover and load balancing. TOE (TCPIP
Offload Engine) supported on Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003, SP1 or higher with Scalable Networking Pack
Brocade® CNA Dual-port adapter
Brocade® FC4 and 8 GB HBAs
Emulex® CNA iSCSI HBA stand up adapter OCE10102-IX-D
Brocade® CNA BR1020
Power Supply Standard 750 Watt hot-plug AC power supply; Optional redundant 750 watt
AC hot-plug power supply; Auto-switching universal 110/220 Volts
ECC DDR2 SDRAM, SDDC, Spare Bank; hot-plug hard drives; optional hot-plug redundant power supplies; dual embedded
NICs with failover and load balancing support; PERC 6/i; optional PERC5/i integrated daughtercard controller with batterybacked cache; hot-plug redundant cooling; tool-less chassis; fibre and SAS cluster support; validated for Dell/EMC SAN
Video Embedded ATI ES1000 with 16MB memory
Remote Management Standard Baseboard Management Controller with IPMI 2.0 support;
optional DRAC5 for advanced capabilities
Systems Management Dell™ OpenManage™
Server pochodzi z polskiego oddziału firmy leasingowej. Stan techniczny bardzo dobry, jedynie mogą zdarzyć się drobne rysy na metalowej pokrywie komputera. został zdemontowany po skończeniu umowy leasingu. Dla zainteresowanych moge podać kontakt do administratora sieci, w której pracował ten serwer od początku.
W razie pytań proszę o kontakt telefoniczny 60 88 22 676 lub mailowo [zasłonięte] Dla stałych klientów stosujemy rabaty posprzedażne tak więc bądzmy w kontakcie.
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