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24-06-2012, 16:59
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 99 zł     
Użytkownik www_bookoff_pl
numer aukcji: 2412288868
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 8   
Koniec: 10-07-2012 22:24:38
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KSIĘGARNIA ARTYSTYCZNA BOOKOFF | UL.OGRODOWA 7 | 00-893 WARSZAWA | TEL. (22)[zasłonięte]253 62 | KOM. 503 [zasłonięte] 126


Dane książki
ISBN 978-[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]48576
Oprawa Oprawa twarda
Ilość stron 504
Wydawnictwo Phaidon
Język Angielski

Cena: 99.00 PLN (wystawiamy faktury vat)

W celu obejrzenia naszej pełnej oferty książkowej zapraszamy do naszych księgarni w Warszawie:

Księgarnia Bookoff przy ul. Ogrodowej 7 specjalizuje się w książkach i albumach fotograficznych.
Tel. (22)[zasłonięte]253 62 lub 503 [zasłonięte] 126

Księgarnia czynna jest w godzinach:
Pon-Pt, godz. 11-19
Sob, godz. 12-16

Księgarnia Muzeum Bookoff przy ul. Pańskiej 3 w Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej. Specjalizuje się w dziedzinach którym poświęcona jest działalność Muzeum, czyli sztuce, projektowaniu graficznemu, architekturze oraz urbanistyce.
Tel. 512 [zasłonięte] 208

Książka dostępna w Księgarni Bookoff przy ul. Ogrodowej 7.

- An extraordinary photographic history of the first decade of the twenty-first century charting the political, cultural, sporting and newsworthy moments that shaped the last 10 years
- The sequel to Phaidon’s New York Times best-selling Century: One Hundred Years of Human Progress, Suffering, Regression and Hope
- Arranged in chronological order, 500 painstakingly selected photographs highlight events that affected us all as well as quieter moments shared by just a few
- Historical texts accompany every scene depicted, while five thematic essays explore politics, art, sport, science and the environment over the period
- This sensitive visual anthology will appeal both to photography enthusiasts and to anyone with an interest in world history and current affairs
Exceptional value

A successor to Phaidon’s award-winning CENTURY: One Hundred Years of Human Progress, Suffering, Regression and Hope (1999) – described by American Photo as a ‘veritable road map’ of the twentieth century’s seminal events – Decade provides a startling visual overview of the last 10 years in world history. Adhering to the same standards of historical accuracy and scholarship as its predecessor, this book offers a sensitive anthology of 10 years in photography that will appeal to readers of all ages and interests.

Decade presents 500 engaging photographic images, both iconic and idiosyncratic, selected by acclaimed photo editor Eamonn McCabe and arranged in strict chronological order to tell the story of the first decade in our new millennium. The shorter historical span of this book, compared to CENTURY, allows this sequence to embrace developments in art, architecture, sport and technology alongside key moments in international political affairs, so that the reader encounters surprising moments from our history alongside those familiar from coverage in the mass media. Global in scope, these photographs tackle subjects ranging from the World Trade Center attacks of 9/11 to the AIDS epidemic blighting Africa, from the first tests of the Hadron collider at CERN, Geneva, to the death of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Award-winning documentary photography sits alongside the new ‘citizen journalism’, which has seen ordinary bystanders capture historic events equipped with nothing more sophisticated than a mobile phone camera. Each image is accompanied by both a short descriptive and an extended, historical caption, to provide a wider context within which to understand these often beautiful, always surprising, photographs.15 historical and thematic essays are also included, exploring the events, trends and social phenomena that have characterized the decade.

Aukcja stworzona 2<span class=hidden_cl>[zasłonięte]</span>012-06 22:24:38 przez sklep oparty na systemie IAI-Shop.