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Death Cub for Cutie. Narrow Stairs. Indie Alternat

24-01-2012, 11:49
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Aktualna cena: 22 zł     
Użytkownik nefer_2006
numer aukcji: 2042073176
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 13   
Koniec: 16-01-2012 21:48:18

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Opakowanie: w folii
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Narrow Stairs is the sixth studio album by Cult indie rock band Death Cab for Cutie

The album has received mostly positive reviews. MTV's James Montgomery referred to Narrow Stairs as "unquestionably the best thing [Death Cab has] ever done".[11] Rolling Stone called the album "a dark, strangely compelling record that trades the group's bright melancholy for something nearer to despair."[12]

The album has been highly rated by critics and fans, having been awarded 4 stars out of 5 by publications such as Rolling Stone, Kerrang!,Spin, Alternative Press, The Times, The Independent and The Guardian, as well as by the website Allmusic.

In its debut week, Narrow Stairs reached the No.1 spot on the Billboard 200 chart, selling 144,000 copies and scoring the band its first No.1 album. One week later it fell to No.5 with 52,000 copies. As of January 31, 2009, the album has sold over 475,000 copies in the US. Narrow Stairs was certified Gold by the RIAA in February 2009, for shipments of 500,000 copies.

Narrow Stairs was nominated for the "Best Alternative Music Album" award at the 51st Grammy Awards. In addition, "I Will Possess Your Heart" was nominated for "Best Rock Song".



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