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. DEATH AND CREATIVITY Interdisciplinary Encounter

26-09-2014, 22:41
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    Przewiń do spisu treści

    lrI had three chąirs In my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society.Ml
    French Festival Day
    July 13, 1974
    Cape Vincent, New York
    Today whlle serving as a hostess at the Community House Museum in this smali, lovely village, I saw and felt some of the reasons that must have entered into the processive changes in my philosophical thinking over the years, and also into my having Initially written or translated the es-says collected in thls book. The book Is presented in conjunction with the Foundation of Thanatology in New York City and with the Center for Interdis-ciplinary Creativity at Southern Connecticut State College, New Raven, Con-necticut.
    On this day, Napoleon, who was to have spent his exile in this vil~ lage was honored; the early French settlers of the area, including Vincent Le Ray de Chaumont, who once owned the property on which I am now writing, and where I have spent many summers of my life, were also honored. The peo-ple of the village honored the llying/dead, their ancestors, their share in the ndwellinglv In which we all share, and of which Saint-Exupery speaks in his Wisdom of the Sands,2 namely, the In-dwelling of man and things in tnan and things on the planet and beyond its confines, Today, the descendants of the French and many others met, shared, moved consciously in their histori-city; they encountered in community, in creativity. Old and young shared not only Napoleonie reallty, but shared themselves, and an exhibition of welded sculpture by Richard Merchant, an octogenarian whose ancestors came from France in 1832 and are buried nearby In the town of Rosiere, named after the town Rosieres, France, from which they came. Finitude and creativity shared finitude and creativity; people saw the artist actually in the process of cre-ating his work of art on the back of his farm truck. For me, this day is much of what life Is about. The whole town celebrated the Iiving7dying past and the liying/dying present to help create a better future In community, in love, in creativity.
    Some time ago I started to teach philosophy. You might cali It nabstractir philosophy, if there is such a discipline. Then I turned to the history of philosophy. Perhaps, through study of Josiah Royce, Heraclitus and Leibniz, the im-portance of the individual, of the need for the issuance of thought Into action, into community, into love, forced me to see the fertile meaning of the abstract only in the conerete. This led to my involvement in the philosophy of love, of the person, of touch and of community. Finally, I realized that one of the reasons why we loved one another.why we could love another deeply In a truły human manner, was our mutual finitude, our materiality, our subjectivity to the crea-tivity of materiality and finitude, to our fragility and mortality. We are or can be beautiful, liying/dying creatures, but are not sufficiently aware of what it means to be materiał, fragile and mortal. In a real sense, to be finite and to be mortal is to be beautiful. And to be mortal is to be vulnerable, to weep at hurts,
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    hosting images

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                 Tytuł, autor i wydawnictwo 

    DEATH AND CREATIVITY: An Interdisciplinary Encounter
    Health   Sciences   Publishing  Corp. New York,  N. Y. 

         Spis treści: 

    PAGE FoKEWOTtD    ................................................................................         VII
    A ustin 11. Kntschcr and Lii lian G. Kufsclier
    Preface....................................................................................        IX
    Florenee M. Jlctzler
    Intkottuction  ..........................................................................     XVIII
    Jere W. Clark
    I.    DeaTIT     AND     THE     LlTTLTC     PkINOE     OF     SaINT-
    Exupet;y..................................................................      1
    II.   Death and Teiuiaud de Ciiaiidin ........................    21
    F. G. Elliot
    III.   Synekgism of the Spiiebes   ___..........................    46
    IV.   Akt   and   Phjlosopiiy :    Complementatiy   Com-
    MUNirATKlNS   OV   LlFE,  LorE,   AND   DeATM   ..........      64
    V.   Death :    Intk^ijal  Phocess   of   the  Bihth   of
    Mankind I ..............................................................    80
    VI.    DeATK    WlTII    THE    RUMANIAN    AND    OtHF.U
    thodox Peoples.................................................... 148
    Tretie Paleolog
    VII.   Brancusi and Death .............................................. 154
    Yasile G. Paleolog
    East Mcets Wost in the Philosopby and Art of Constantin Brancnsi ............................................ 161
    Florenee M. Hetsler
    Tlie Trilogy of Brancusi at Ti)-gn-Jiu ................ 169
    Tretie Paleolog
    Philosophical Aspects of tlio Tlianatology Sym-posium   ..........................................................1......... 173
    VIII.   Not in Playa Flamingo But in Room 475 ........ 180
    IX.     BrciiEAVEMENT   PjiOCERS   AND   SKYLAB   ......................   104
    Appcndix................................................................ 275
    X.   Life : Living-Dying : A Day in Hakkness 316 .... 281
    Tmnsection   Nurnbcr   3;  S   Transection   Number   2, acrylics by Clarciico Cartor ............................................    99
    Day and Ni/jltt Sancers, waah by Aloxander Calcler .... 102 Birds of Yarious Feałhers, wasli by Alexander Calder 103
    Bercavcmeut, linę drawing by Sbcrri Doolittle ............ 106
    B-elatedness, collage by Floronco M. Iletzler ................ 115
    Mora Bclatedness, collage by Floreiice M. Hetzlcr ...... 116
    TAfe and Dcałh, watcreolor by Sliorri Doolittle ............ 118
    Death and Crcatnńty, watercolor by Sliorri Doolittle 119 Androspherr, watercolor by Sherri Doolittle ................ 121
    Tcelandic Flowers, watercolor by Helga Weissbappel-Foster................................................................................ 123
    Tirfjłt-Jin Tńlogy by Constantin Brancnsi, scnlptnres 129
    CoJumu of fhe Jtifmite, sculptnre by Constantin Bran-cnsi    ...................................................................................... 149
    Proinetlicus, sculptnre by Brancnsi................................ 158
    Pbilosonliical   Aspects   of   Thaiiatology   SymposiiiiTi. pliotograph    ......................................................................178. 9
    TTannnny of the Sphcres, mobile by Susan Wiley........ 185
    NASA pliotoo-rapli, Febrnary 12, 1974 ............................ 195
    NASA pliotoo-rapli, Febrnary 14, 1974 ............................ 215
    NASA pbotoo-rapb, October 2, 1973 .................................. 252
    NASA pliotoo-rapb, February 12, 1974 ............................ 2R0
    Dablon Point, Cape Vincent, pliotograpli ........................ 301
    Tbe TTarbor, Cape Yincent, photographs ........................ 303 






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