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DCS: Mi-8 MTV2 Magnificent Eight // STEAM GIFT

25-04-2015, 7:33
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Koniec: 25-04-2015 07:19:49

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Mi-8 MTV2 Magnificent 8 Early Access

Current key features of the beta software already include:

- Unmatched flight physics providing the most realistic and dynamic conventional helicopter experience on the PC
- Multiple player positions, including pilot, co-pilot, and flight engineer
- Accurate and highly detailed 3D cockpit featuring six-degrees-of-freedom technology compatible with head-tracking devices
- Interactive cockpit controls that allow you to operate systems using the mouse
- Accurate modeling of the Mi-8MTV2 instruments, weapons, engines, radios, fuel, electrical, and hydraulic systems
- Accurate audio environment based on custom Mi-8MTV2 sound samples
- Three introductory missions from the upcoming campaign in development for the final version
- Mission Editor that allows you to create your own, unlimited mission scenario using hundreds of supporting AI and static objects
- Quickstart manual, interactive and video training lessons to get you started on flight control and weapons delivery
- Created using real Mi-8MTV2 documentation and close cooperation with real pilots to ensure accuracy

Features not included in the initial open beta version of the product, but planned for final release include:

- Complete flight manual
- Comprehensive training course
- Complete campaign
- Variety of single combat missions
- Complete damage model
- Additional avionics modeling
- Additional weapons, including bombs and door guns
- Sling load modeling
- New infantry models and animations
- Multiplayer coop mode for network play in the same helicopter planned for future update

Informacje o grze

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight is a highly realistic PC simulation of the Mi-8MTV2, a combat transport and fire support helicopter and an upgraded variant of one of the most widely produced helicopters in the world - the Russian Mi-8 (NATO reporting name ‘Hip’). Having serving in over 50 countries in a wide variety of models over the past 40 years, the Mi-8 is a revered veteran of countless military operations and civilian services around the world. Developed by Belsimtek and Eagle Dynamics, the team behind the hit title DCS: UH-1H Huey, DCS Mi-8MTV2 continues to deliver exceptional realism and immersive gameplay within the DCS World virtual battlefield.

The simulation features accurate modeling of all primary aircraft systems, avionics, and proper functionality of nearly all cockpit switches and controls. Flight and other dynamics are modeled using real-time physics calculations and carefully tuned using actual Mi-8MTV2 documentation and pilots deeply involved in development and testing. The result is not only the most realistic Mi-8 reproduction on the PC, but a comprehensive helicopter model that correctly presents complex dynamic effects particular to helicopter flight, such as: autorotation, vortex ring state (VRS), translational lift, hover in and out of ground effect, and many others.

As part of the DCS World battlefield, you are placed in the cockpit of the Mi-8MTV2 to fly combat transport and support missions as the left pilot, right pilot or gunner. Equipped for close fire support, the helicopter can be armed with unguided rockets, gun pods, and on-board machine guns. In the transport role, a cargo of up to four tons can be carried internally or three tons on an external sling system to deliver and retrieve supplies in a wide variety of terrain and weather conditions. A series of single missions and a handcrafted, immersive campaign plunge you into the heat of battle in the DCS World battlefield of countless AI and a variety of player-controlled fighter and attack aircraft, helicopters, and ground units. Get online to play with or against other DCS players in a synthetic online battlefield.

A quickstart guide and interactive training help you get started quickly while the comprehensive Flight Manual details the helicopter’s systems and operational procedures. A wide variety of gameplay options allows each player to tailor their difficulty level as required.

Key Features of DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight include:

  • Unmatched flight physics providing the most realistic and dynamic conventional helicopter experience on the PC
  • Multiple player positions, including pilot, co-pilot, flight engineer, and door gunner
  • Accurate and highly detailed 3D cockpit featuring six-degrees-of-freedom technology compatible with head-tracking devices
  • Interactive cockpit controls that allow you to operate systems using the mouse
  • Accurate modeling of the Mi-8MTV2 instruments, weapons, engines, radios, fuel, electrical, and hydraulic systems
  • Highly detailed Mi-8MTV2 external 3D model, liveries, and weapons
  • Accurate audio environment based on custom Mi-8MTV2 sound samples
  • Immersive, handcrafted campaign with a variety of transport and fire support missions
  • Training with interactive and video lessons
  • Multiplayer coop mode for crew members of the same helicopter under development for a later update
  • Developed in close cooperation with actual Mi-8MTV2 operators

About DCS World

Digital Combat Simulator World (DCS World) is a free-to-play digital battlefield game, focusing on a military aircraft simulation. It includes a FREE Su-25T attack aircraft and it is extensible through additional DCS DLC that can be purchased here on Steam.

DCS World includes a vast mission area of the Caucasus region that encompasses much of Georgia - the location of the 2008 conflict. Additionally, DCS World includes:

Powerful mission and campaign editors
  • Multiplayer
  • Massive inventory of air, land and sea combat units and weapons
  • Advanced AI
  • Fast mission generator
  • Dynamic weather and seasons
  • Training missions
  • Mission replay system
  • Pilot log book

This all allows the creation of engaging, real-world combat missions in this flashpoint region. DCS is a true "sandbox" simulation that can and will cover multiple time periods covering many types of combat and civilian units. DCS World allows both realistic game play and more relaxed game play to suit the player.

DCS World includes a FREE Su-25T "Frogfoot" attack aircraft!

Other DCS DLC available here on Steam includes:
  • DCS: A-10C Warthog
  • DCS: Black Shark 2
  • DCS: P-51D Mustang
  • DCS: Combined Arms
  • DCS: UH-1H Huey (Early Access)
  • A-10A: DCS Flaming Clikffs
  • Su-25: DCS Flaming Cliffs

Wymagania systemowe

  • Minimum:
    • OS: 64-bit Windows Vista 7 or 8
    • Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz
    • Memory: 6 GB RAM
    • Graphics: 512 MB RAM card
    • DirectX: Version 9.0c
    • Hard Drive: 10 GB available space
    • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c - compatible
    • Additional Notes: Requires DCS World and internet activation.

  • Recommended:
    • OS: 64-bit Windows Vista 7 or 8
    • Processor: Core i5+
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX560 / ATI 6950 DirectX 9.0c or better
    • DirectX: Version 9.0c
    • Hard Drive: 10 GB available space
    • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c - compatible
    • Additional Notes: Requires DCS World and internet activation.

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