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DBX TubeChanel Strip 376 preamp kompresor korektor

22-01-2015, 11:37
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Cena kup teraz: 1 420 zł     
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numer aukcji: 4986034302
Miejscowość Wielkopolska
Wyświetleń: 17   
Koniec: 22-01-2015 10:57:57

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Waga (z opakowaniem): 8.00 [kg]
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mikrofonowy lampowy preamp DBX 376, kupiony kilka lat temu w Polsound

sporadycznie używany, stan techniczny i wizualny wzorowy!


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IT’S TIME TO CHANGE THE CHANNEL! The standard of excellence for channel strip processors has just been raised once again. From the world leader in digital signal processing comes the new 376 Tube Channel Processor with digital output capabilities. dbx® Professional Products has been paving the way for audio excellence for more than 25 years, and with the creation of the 376, the drive continues. The 376 has taken the essential tools needed for channel strip processors and has greatly added to the feature list, making it an all inclusive toolbox that offers all of the effects required. With an effect menu list that includes such standard features as: a tube preamp section, 3-Band parametric EQ section, Compressor, De-Esser and digital outputs, the 376 is the perfect companion piece for recording and tracking vocals and mic’d applications in the analog and digital domain.

The 376 Tube Channel Strip w/Digital Output is the latest addition to the Silver Series family. The 376 puts the best of both worlds into one affordable package by combining the warmth of the vacuum tube, with the proprietary dbx Type IV® conversion system. The 376 boasts many of the same features as other products in the Silver Series, such as +48V phantom power, a phase invert switch, and low cut filtering. In addition, the 376 also offers digital output capabilities in both AES/EBU, and S/PDIF formats as standard features. The high impedance, 1/4" instrument input located on the front panel, as well as the mic/line switch, and 20 dB pad show our dedication to providing convenience in the studio. The LED meters provide a clear and concise visual of the signal processing at a glance. The rear panel includes both mic and line inputs and outputs, word clock sync input and output, insertion jack and digital outputs. Add selectable sampling rates of 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, or 96 kHz; selectable dithering and noise shaping; and separate analog and digital output controls to this already impressive list of features, and we think you’ll agree that the 376 lives up to the uncompromising standards of dbx Professional Products.



  • Tube microphone pre-amp
  • 200V tube plate voltage
  • Selectable mic/line switch
  • +48 Volt phantom power
  • 3-Band Parametric EQ
  • Compressor
  • De-Esser
  • Front panel instrument input
  • Drive meter LEDs
  • Threshold and De-Esser meters
  • 8 segment analog or digital meter
  • Type IV® conversion system
  • Selectable sampling rate (96, 88.2, 48, 44.1kHz)
  • 24, 20 and 16 bit wordlengths
  • AES/EBU and S/PDIF digital outputs
  • Selectable dither and noise-shaping algorithms
  • Word clock sync input and output





Mic Preamp Connector Female XLR Pin 2 Hot; Electronically balanced/unbalanced
Mic Preamp Input Impedance 330Ω
Mic Preamp max input level -9 dBu or +11 dBu with 20 dB pad engaged
CMRR >40dB, Typically 55dB
Mic Preamp Equivalent Input Noise (EIN) Typically -120 dBu with a 150Ω source load, 20Hz to 20kHz BW
Input Connectors (instrument/line) 1/4" Jack
Input Type (line) Electronically balanced/unbalanced; (instrument) Unbalanced
Max Input (instrument/line) +21dBu balanced or unbalanced
Gain Adjustment Range (drive control) Line/Instrument: -15dB to +15dB; Mic: +30dB to +60dB
Output Connectors Male XLR Pin 2 Hot and TRS 1/4"
Output Type Servo-balanced/unbalanced
Output Impedance Balanced 120Ω, unbalanced 60Ω
Max Output >+21 dBu, >+20 dBm (into a 600Ω load)
Insert Connector TRS 1/4" Unbalanced
Insert Impedance 100Ω (SEND), 20kΩ (RETURN)
Digital Output Connector XLR for AES/EBU, RCA for S/PDIF
Digital Output Impedance 110Ω for AES/EBU, 75Ω for S/PDIF
Word Sync I/O Connectors BNC
Word Sync Input Impedance 75Ω terminated by internal jumper
Word Sync Input 96, 88.2, 48, or 44.1kHz word clock
Word Sync Output 96, 88.2, 48, or 44.1kHz word clock
Output Level -20dB to +20dB
Line Switch Selects between microphone and line inputs
Mic Preamp Phantom Power +48V
Pad Switch 20dB pad
Phase Invert Switch Reverses pins 2 and 3 of the microphone input XLR
Low cut Switch 75Hz, 12dB/octave high pass filter
Frequency Response (analog) <10Hz to 75kHz
THD+Noise 0.35% typical at +4dBu out, 1kHz, 40 dB gain
EQ Low Frequency 80 Hz, shelving filter
EQ High Frequency 12 kHz, shelving filter
EQ Mid Frequency Sweepable from 100 Hz to 8 kHz, bandwidth 1.5 octaves
EQ Gain (all bands) Sweepable from –15 to +15 dB
Compressor Threshold Range -40 dBu to +20 dBu
Compressor Threshold Characteristic Selectable OverEasy® or Hard Knee
Compressor Ratio Variable; 1:1 to Infinity:1; 60 dB maximum Compression
Compressor Attack Time Program-dependent; Typically 5 ms (SLOW disabled), 15 ms (SLOW enabled) for 15 dB Gain Reduction
Compressor Release Time Program-dependent; Typically 50 dB/sec (SLOW disabled), 8 dB/sec (SLOW enabled)
De-esser Characteristic Wideband gain reduction
De-esser Frequency Range 800 Hz to 10 kHz High Pass
De-esser Release Time 12 dB/octave program-dependent; approximately 1 ms/dB
A/D Converter dbx® Type IV® A/D Conversion System
Sample Rate 96, 88.2, 48, or 44.1kHz selectable
Wordlength 24, 20, or 16 bit selectable
Dither Type TPDF, SNR2, or none
Noise Shape Shape 1, Shape 2, or none
Digital Output S/PDIF or AES/EBU
Digital Output Dynamic Range 107dB typical, A-weighted, 22kHz bandwidth
Operating Voltage DO: 120VAC 60Hz, 100VAC 50/60Hz; EU: 230VAC 50/60Hz
Power Consumption 35W