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Dawson's Creek: the Complete Second Season

07-03-2012, 19:35
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Miejscowość Liptovsky Mikulas, Słowacja
Zostało sztuk: 10    Wyświetleń: 6   
Koniec: 09-03-2012 13:39:41

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
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After an instantly successful 13-episode, half-season run on the WB Network beginning in January 1998, Kevin Williamson's memoir-ish coming-of-age drama, Dawson's Creek, truly came into its own in Season 2, which began in the autumn of that year. The season's first episode, "The Kiss," sets the year's various arcs in motion as Dawson Leary (James Van Der Beek) and Joey Potter (Katie Holmes) share the titular buss -- with momentary satisfaction, followed by increasing anxiety. Repercussions from the Season 1 hot-for-the-teacher story line involving Pacey (Joshua Jackson) and Tamara Jacobs (Leann Hunley) take center stage a few episodes later in "Tamara's Return." It's also about this time that Joey and Jack McPhee (Kerr Smith) begin circling each other a bit more, leading to a shattering moment for Dawson in (and at) "The Dance," a double-whammy episode wherein he also learns the truth about his parents' doomed marriage. A few episodes later, a sort-of date between Joey and Jack finds Dawson running to Jen (Michelle Williams) in "The Reluctant Hero." Jack and Andie McPhee's unstable home life becomes the subject of negative campaigning when Andie (Meredith Monroe) runs for student council. Filming begins on Dawson's movie in "His Leading Lady," and Joey has problems with the casting of the character based on her. The two-part February "sweeps" episode "To Be or Not to Be…" and "That Is the Question" is built around a soul-bearing poem Jack reads aloud in class at Capeside High School. The season takes one of its more significant turns in "A Perfect Wedding," when Jen and Abby (Monica Keena) sneak into a wedding at the Ice House and Abby winds up dead. Season 2 comes to a close with "Parental Discretion Advised," which begins with Dawson observing Joey's dad, Mr.Potter (Gareth Williams), making a drug deal, proving himself a recidivist creep and putting Dawson in a very uncomfortable position. Pacey, slipping in school as he pines for Andie -- who is being treated in Providence -- takes some ribbing for it from his dad (John Finn), who is staking out the Ice House, which winds up in flames under suspicious circumstances.


Product Details

  • UPC: 043[zasłonięte]013377
  • Region Code: 1
  • Aspect Ratio: Pre-1954 Standard (1.33.1)
  • Sound: Dolby Digital Surround
  • Language: English
  • Subtitles: Espańol, Portugais
  • Time: 16:17:00
  • Sales Rank: 18,329

This set contains DVDs which may be available separately:

  • Dawson's Creek: The Kiss
  • Dawson's Creek: Crossroads
  • Dawson's Creek: Alternate Lifestyles
  • Dawson's Creek: Tamara's Return
  • Dawson's Creek: Full Moon Rising
  • Dawson's Creek: The Dance
  • Dawson's Creek: The All-Nighter
  • Dawson's Creek: The Reluctant Hero
  • Dawson's Creek: The Election
  • Dawson's Creek: High Risk Behavior
  • Dawson's Creek: Sex She Wrote
  • Dawson's Creek: Uncharted Waters
  • Dawson's Creek: His Leading Lady
  • Dawson's Creek: To Be Or Not To Be ...
  • Dawson's Creek: ... That Is The Question
  • Dawson's Creek: Be Careful What You Wish For
  • Dawson's Creek: Psychic Friends
  • Dawson's Creek: A Perfect Wedding
  • Dawson's Creek: Rest in Peace
  • Dawson's Creek: Reunited
  • Dawson's Creek: Ch... Ch... Ch... Changes
  • Dawson's Creek: Parental Discretion Advised


Closed Caption; Digitally mastered audio; Full screen presentation; Audio commentaries; Features brand new music selected by the executive producer


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O ile opis nie stanowi inaczej właściwym regionem dla w/w filmów jest region 1. Ale filmy można odtwarza na każdym odtwarzaczu komputerowym oraz w wieloregionowym odtwarzaczu dvd.

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