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DAVID LYNCH Crazy Clown Time DELUXE 2LP Twin Peaks

29-01-2012, 11:53
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David Lynch - Crazy Clown Time /
deluxe gatefold edition 2LP + kupon MP3

Sunday Best 2011


  Płyta nowa, w folii. TYLKO 1 EGZEMPLARZ.

więcej o płycie: http://www.youtube.com/user/DAVIDLYNCHSUNDAYBEST


Pozycja już wyprzedana w sklepach.


Here it is - finally - the debut solo album of electronic pop from everyone's favourite auteur of weird, Mr David Lynch. If this record were a Lynch movie, it'd probably be Lost Highway - more than a little incoherent, but also plenty compelling and full of enough handsome, rewarding details to keep you coming back. Nothing on here is as chirpy as last year's trailer single, 'Good Day Today', and while it's hardly an about-turn into gothic horror, there are some moments of eerie, unsettling beauty: the Karen O-vocalled 'Pinky's Dream' in particular is an amazing bit of Roadhouse noir, all plangent guitar licks and hypnotic drum tattoos - Badalamenti would be proud. Lynch's own voice, more often than not put through a dozen layers of electronic processing, is a bizarrely effective instrument, sounding genuinely pained and expressive on 'So Glad', and on 'Strange and Unproductive Thinking' like a malfunctioning Kelley Polar. As in the films, atmosphere and the evocation of mood is Lynch's real strength: which is why the plangent near-instrumental 'The Night Bell With Lightning' and tip-toeing, ambient waltz 'She Rise Up' are our choice cuts. Trivial it might be in the grand scheme of Lynch's illustrious career, but Crazy Clown Time is a considerable achievement, and full of pleasant surprises.


 A1  Pinky's Dream
Featuring, Written-By, Performer – Karen O   
A2  Good Day Today   
A3  So Glad   
A4  Noah's Ark   
B1  Football Game   
B2  I Know   
B3  Strange And Unproductive Thinking   
C1  The Night Bell With Lightning   
C2  Stone's Gone Up   
C3  Crazy Clown Time   
D1  These Are My Friends   
D2  Speed Roadster   
D3  Movin' On   
D4  She Rise Up

Płyta dla fanów Twin Peaks, Lost Highway, Inland Empire, Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet, Eraserhead, Elephant Man, Diuna, Blue Bob, Massive Attack, Julie Cruise, Dark Night, Danger Mouse.