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David Fisher - Chicken Poop for the Soul

02-01-2015, 16:55
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Miejscowość Lublin
Wyświetleń: 1   
Koniec: 02-01-2015 16:22:20

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
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David Fisher
Chicken Poop for the Soul: Stories to Harden the Heart and Dampen the Spirit

Język: angielski
Oprawa: miękka
Liczba stron: 146
Stan książki: używana, db (mały wpis na ostatniej stronie bez tekstu)

Is "Chicken SOup" Too Sweet for Your Soul?
When you take the road less traveled, do you get lost? When bad things happen to other people, do you feel good? Do self-help books make you feel selfish and helpless? Congratulations, you're one of us. Welcome to the farthest side of reality -- and the first collection of stories sure to harden your heart and dampen your spirit.
Chicken Poop for the Soul
Here is the story of "Step-Mother Teresa" who turned an orphanage in Calcutta into a sweatshop. . .and "The True Meaning of Love," romance as seen from a stalker's point of view. Explore the positive side of feeling bad in "The Joys of Depression." Learn the code of the urban teacher who vows "I will never respond to a student's demands, no matter how outrageous, with the phase 'Over my dead body.'" Read the multimillion-dollar government study that discovered that the primary cause of anxiety in America is government studies. And, finally, learn the true secret of happiness.
Ruthlessly hilarious, this is the world's first "sinspirational" book, a guide absolutley guaranteed never to be a selection of Oprah's Book Club.

David Fisher - Chicken Poop for the Soul



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