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Damia Anne McCaffrey powieść po angielsku OPIS

28-06-2015, 20:29
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Koniec: 28-06-2015 19:47:02

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Waga (z opakowaniem): 0.25 [kg]
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1997
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TYTUŁ: Damia
AUTOR: Annie Mc Caffrey

STRON: 384
FORMAT: 177x117mm
OKŁADKA: miękka
ISBN: 0[zasłonięte]552-134-2
STAN: dobry (blok książki odklejony od okładki), używana

Powieść po angielsku.

Born on April 1st, Anne McCaffrey has tried to live up to her auspicious natal day. Her first novel was created in Latin class and might have brought her instant fame, as well as an A, had she written in that ancient language. Much chastened, she turned to the stage and became a character actress, appearing in the first successful summer music circus in Lambertsville, New Jersey. She studied music for nine years and, during that time, became intensely interested in the stage direction of opera and operetta, ending that phase of her experience with the stage direction of the American premiere of Carl Orffs Ludus De Nato Infante Mtrificus in which she also played a witch.
By the time the three children of her marriage were comfortably in school most of the day, she had already achieved enough success with short stories to devote herself full time to writing. Her first novel, Restoree, was written as a protest against the absurd and unrealistic portrayals of women in the science fiction novels of the fifties. It is, however, in the handling of broader themes and the worlds of her imagination, particularly the two series (Helm, The Ship Who Sang, and the twelve novels about the Dragonriders of Fern) that Ms McCaffrey’s talents as a storyteller are best displayed. One of the world’s leading science fiction writers, she has won both the Hugo and Nebula Awards, the E.E. ‘Doc’ Smith, the Golden Pen, and has been seven times a winner of the Science Fiction Book Club Award.
Between her appearances in the States, England, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Alaska as a lecturer in secondary schools and universities, and guest-of-honour at science fiction conventions, Ms McCaffrey lives in a house of her own design, Dragonhold-Underhill (because she had to dig out a hill on her farm to build it) in County Wicklow, Ireland. She runs a private livery stable and her three-day-even t horses have been successful in international competitions. She does not do the competition riding, she hastens to add, but enjoys the success of horse and rider and the occasional canter on her favourite mount, a black and white mare named Pi.
Of herself, Ms McCaffrey warns : ‘My eyes are green, my hair is silver and I freckle; the rest is still subject to change without notice.’ Ms McCaffrey graduated cum laude from Radcliffe College, majoring in the Slavonic Languages and Literatures.