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DAMAGE CONTROL - The Losing End EP (hard core)

08-05-2015, 9:03
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Użytkownik XjaroX
numer aukcji: 5316620230
Miejscowość Białystok
Licytowało: 1    Wyświetleń: 5   
Koniec: 08-05-2015 08:58:54

Dodatkowe informacje:
Rok wydania (1900 - 2050): 2008
Stan: Nowy
Rozmiar płyty: 7 cali
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DAMAGE CONTROL - The Losing End (Cycle Records, CR-08, 2008)

Kolor: black

Stan: nowa, nie grana

Opis:  This final 7" from Norwegian straight edge crew Damage Control features five unreleased tracks, all played in the same style as their previous releases, best described as a melodic take on classic late-'80s hardcore, or a cross between Dag Nasty and Chain Of Strength. This release also features a 20-page booklet with photos, flyers, lyrics, a show history and final thoughts from members of the band as well as a member of The First Step.