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DAC Yulong DAH1 mark + wzmacniacz słuchawkowy

02-08-2012, 8:23
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 800 zł     
Użytkownik minczin_2006
numer aukcji: 2454336127
Miejscowość Kraków
Wyświetleń: 213   
Koniec: 08-07-2012 17:07:47

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Stan: Używany
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Yulong DAH1 mark



Stan dobry. Drobne ryski i otarcia. Jednak nie są bardzo widoczne. Lekko przydrapany napis mode i vol-. Ogólnie nie ma zadnych niespodzianek. Stan jak na zdjęciach. Wszystko sprawne. Jedyna wada w nim to, to ze słabo świeci wyświetlacz. Na plus jest za to dzwięk. Można znaleźć dużo pozytywnych opini w internecie. Sprzedaje ponieważ kupiłem DAC'a z asynchronicznym USB i pozbywam się konwertera i DAC'a.


"The DAH-1, used as a DAC, provides a very clear, detailed, slightly forward and bright sound. While generally neutral sounding, it is just a little hot in the lower-to-mid treble. This gives the DAC a sense of enhanced detail, although it did not actually present any more real detail than the outputs of my Denon CDP (which again is a pretty nice deck). The DAH-1 was slightly more transparent than the Denon’s outputs though. It also had the deeper and wider soundstage than the Denon’s own output.
Bass was tight, and very well controlled, and deep where required. It was definitely not on the “ripe” side – it was slightly more on the lean side in terms of bass, but just slightly. Bass definition was very good though. For example, the double-kick-drum on “The Mind Maelstrom” from Sirenia’s excellent new album “The 13th Floor” was very tight, but not quite as punchy as I would like."


"All I can say is... wow. Just wow. Everything is simply amazing with this combo. I'm not using any equalizer."


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DAC Yulong DAH1 mark + wzmacniacz słuchawkowy