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D.I. DI The Suburbia Sessions 1983 DVDnowa/folia!

08-03-2012, 6:38
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Cena kup teraz: 51.99 zł     
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Miejscowość Górny Śląsk
Wyświetleń: 9   
Koniec: 11-03-2012 05:29:54

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Stan: Nowy
Opakowanie: w folii
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D.I. "Suburbia sessions 1983" DVD

D.I. nie są może w naszym kraju szeroko znani, a szkoda...  jednak nawet u nas ma scisłe grono fanów. W stanach to była/jest jedna z czołówych kapel i słusznie bo w pełni na to zasługują. Porywający punk w klimatach ADOLESCENTS być może kojarzony w Polsce choć przez tych, którzy pamiętają film SUBURBIA. Oferowane  DVD pochodzi właśnie z sesji nagraniowych, które nagrano na potrzeby tego legendarnego filmu..

I think it may have been the movie, Suburbia, that first turned me on to D.I. when I was a young teenager. The song they performed in that movie, “Richard Hung Himself” is one of the all time punk rock classics. I’d soon find out that D.I. spawned from the Adolescents, a band I had already loved at the time (we’re talking about nearly 25 years ago), and it made sense to me that I found D.I. so appealing as they had a similar style. D.I. went on to release a handful of very good records during the 1980s and are still active today (with Casey Royer being the only original member left).

This DVD was recorded by Flipside back in 1983 at one of the band’s practices. It was shot on one camera and because of the controlled environment, it was well lit and the picture quality was a lot better than some of the other flipside videos that have been released. The sound was really good as well making this one of the best flipside related videos on a DVD to date. It was a ten song set with many of the tracks being from their first record (later reissued at Team Goon) which was just about to be released at the time.

The disc runs about an hour long between the set and the bonus interview footage recorded at the same time. The video is full frame as it originally was shot. The audio has two options: stereo and 5.1 surround with the stereo track sounding a bit better. If you are a D.I. fan, this is a pretty great piece of early footage that warrants the purchase price and hopefully this will mean more old Flipside videos being released in the future.
Apple iTunes

For anyone who has ever witnessed the start of a band, chances are it looked and sounded much like this DVD. This early practice session at Sherpa Studio (Fullerton, CA.) was captured by the staff of Flipside Magazine in 1983. It takes a candid look at the band just after they had been featured in the film Suburbia. Also included on this DVD is a self driven interview with the band which showcases their light and jovial nature. It’s quite a contrast to the issues they tackled in many of their songs which portray the 80’s as a time of despair in the Regan era. For some this will be an opportunity to revisit where D.I. came from; for others this will be a chance to experience D.I. in its infancy for the first time.

This early practice session at Sherpa Studio (Fullerton, CA) was captured by the staff of Flipside Magazine in 1983. It takes a candid look at the band just after they had been featured in the film Suburbia. Also included on this DVD is a self driven interview with the band which showcases their light and jovial nature. It's quite a contrast to the issues they tackled in many of their songs which portray the 80's as a time of despair in the Reagan era.


1     Venus De Milo
2     Brezhnev Waltz
3     Loose
4     Reagan der Fuhrer
5     Richard Hung Himself
6     Purgatory
7     Guns
8     Ballroom Blitz
9     Hang 10 In East Berlin
10     Spiritual Law

+ bonusowe materiały spoza koncertu, wywiady, galeria zdjęć...

Płyta DVD jest nowa w oryginalnej folii. Nie otwierana, nie odtwarzana! Polecam!

Koszt wysyłki i opakowania to 6 zł. - wpłata na konto. Natomiast 13 zł. - przy wysyłce płyty za pobraniem pocztowym. Istnieje też mozliwość taniej (5 zł) wysyłki INPOSTEM !!!

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