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CYCLONE Key Reloaded - wersja mini box

13-05-2014, 1:48
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 220 zł     
Użytkownik woj2001
numer aukcji: 4196058488
Miejscowość Kraków
Zostało sztuk: 5    Wyświetleń: 49   
Koniec: 13-05-2014 01:55:56

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Waga (z opakowaniem): 0.50 [kg]
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

Cyclone Key

Cyclone Key

Koszty przesyłki

Podane powyżej

Dane sprzedawcy

ul.Bitschana 2/38
31-420 Kraków
NIP: PL945[zasłonięte]2164
REGON: 120[zasłonięte]925


GG: 47403
Telefon: +48 [zasłonięte]107455
Sonork: 100.109472
E-mail: [zasłonięte]@gsm-support.pl

Cyclone Key Reloaded jest nowym kluczem serwisowym do telefonów Nokia. Cyclone Key umożliwia flashowanie, odblokowywanie i naprawy telefonów Nokia BB5, SL3, DCT-L, DCT4, DCT4+ - aktualnie jako jedyny obsługuje unlock dla nowych DCT4+ (New secuirty) jak np. RH[zasłonięte]116 70p v6.82 itp. Obsługuje ponadto najnowsze modele serii Xgold jak np. Asha 308, Asha 309 itp. Teraz nie potrzebujesz już kredytów, ani nawet adaptera TX2 - wersja Key reloaded nie wymaga go do pracy. Cyclone Key w wersji Reloaded jest lżejszy, szybszy, tańszy (wyeliminowana została karta smart-card). Mimo to pod względem funkcjonalności cyclone reloaded nie różni się od wersji classic (Nokia, iPhone, Backberry).

Wersja Reloaded nie wymaga do pracy żadnych aktywacji ani kredytów WSZYSTKIE OPERACJE SĄ BEZPŁATNE!
Jako pierwszy Cyclone dodał możliwość rootowania po usb telefonów RM-801 LUMIA 800 oraz RM-802 LUMIA 800C

Zalety Cyclone Key Reloaded:
  • Cyclone w wersji Reloaded to też bardzo prosta instalacja, aktualizacja, rejestracja - wszystko za pomocą jednego przycisku i box jest gotowy do pracy!

    Cyclone Key Box - instalacja
  • Wygodny interaktywny pasek postępu w Windows 7. W przypadku zminimalizowania okna informacja o aktualnym statusie pracy: zielony kolor - pracuje, czerwony kolor- błąd, żółty kolor- pauza.
  • Unikalne hardware, zaprojektowane w roku 2008, dzisiaj po serii poprawek jest jednym z najstabilniejszych, najbardziej dopracowanych oraz najszybszych urządzeń do serwisowania Nokii.
  • Nie potrzebuje całkowicie dostępu do internetu (jedyna funkcja wymagająca połączenia z serwerem to Rejestracja oraz Aktywacja urządzenia, oraz periodyczne przedłużenie życia karty zabezpieczającej (co 2-3 miesiące).
  • Jako jedyne urządzenie na rynku potrafi odczytać dane LBF dla SL3 całkowicie za darmo oraz bez dostępu do Internetu.
  • Kompatybilny z USB 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 i 3.0
  • System operacyjny: All NT based Windows OS (włącznie x86 i x64 - sterowniki dostosowane do pracy z 64bit) - kompatybilny z Windows NT, Windows Xp, Windows Vista, Windows 7
  • pinout kompatybilny z kablami UFS/JAF itp.
  • bardzo niskie obciążenie portu USB, w bezczynności tylko 55mA
  • obsługuje zarówno tryby FBUS jak i USB

  • Uruchamiając moduł "server tools" mamy możliwość generowania kodów odblkowujących (SIM unlock, Network unlock, etc). do każdego modelu LG na podstawie nr-u IMEI. Limit 5 telefonów dziennie!
Opis modułu Blackberry Tool:
  • Generacja kodu MEP2 do odblokowania blokady SIMLock
  • Generacja kodu MEP4
  • Generacja kodów MEP1,MEP3,MEP5
  • Aktualnie kalkulator Blackberry jest całkowicie niezależny - nie potrzebny dostęp do Internetu
  • Obsługiwane wszystkie MEPy
  • Darmowy odczyt Informacji o sieci, statusie blokady, okresie gwarancji Przykładowy odczyt:
    IMEI: 013[zasłonięte]00[zasłonięte]59
    model: iPhone 4S 16GB Black
    version: 5.1
    serial: DNRH1SWSDTC0
    mac: FC:25:3F:6B:C4:16
    warranty coverage: Limited Warranty
    warranty period: 2[zasłonięte]012-01 / 2[zasłonięte]013-01
    purchase country: France
    activated: yes
    carrier: Orange France
    SIM locked: yes
Opis modułu Nokia Tool - część wspólna:
  • Odczyt pamięci Permanent Memory
  • Zapis pamięci Permanent Memory
  • Odczyt Product Profile
  • Zapis Product Profile
  • Selftesty
  • Naprawa Bluetooth
  • Naprawa/analiza Dynamic Camera Configuration (Camera on standby)
  • Reset telefonu do ustawień fabrycznych
  • Zapis/odczyt danych produkcyjnych: kod produktu, PSN, HWID
Opis modułu Nokia Tool - część DCT4/DCT4+/Infineon XGold:
  • Naprawa usterek programowych poprzez flashowanie
  • Aktualizacja oprogramowania
  • Zmiana pakietów językowych
  • Naprawa IMEI (poprzez kalkulację ASK->RPL)
  • Odczyt IMEI z UEMa
  • Odblokowanie / założenie blokady SIMLOCK - modele oparte o DCT4 RSA: 1110i, 1112b, 1200, 1202, 1208, 1208b, 1209, 1600b, 1661, 1662, 1650, 1680 Classic, 1680 Classic-2b, 2220 Slide, 2310, 2320 Classic, 2320 Classic-2b, 2323 CLassic, 2330 Classic, 2600, 2600a, 2610, 2610b, 2626, 2630, 2630b, 2660, 2660b, 2680 Slide, 2720 Fold, 2760, 2760b, 2760h, 5000, 5030 XM, 6030b, 7070 Prism, 7100 Supernova,...
  • Odblokowanie blokady Simlock z telefonów opartych o platformę Infineon XGOLD 1xx poprzez LBF - Nokia 1616, 1800, C1-01, 1280, 1202, ...
  • Możliwość odczytu zaszyfrowanego kodu zabezpieczającego z telefonów opartych o DCT4+ oraz XGold całkowicie bez utraty danych użytkownika - jako pierwsze i jedyne urządzenie na świecie.
  • Backup obszaru IMEI dla telefonów XGOLD - jako pierwsze i jedyne urządzenie na świecie
  • Restore obszaru IMEI dla telefonów XGOLD - jako pierwsze i jedyne urządzenie na świecie
  • Backup pełnego RPL (IMEI, SIMLOCK) dla telefonów XGOLD - jako pierwsze i jedyne urządzenie na świecie
  • Reset licznika błędnie wprowadzonych kodów dla modeli XGOLD - jako pierwsze i jedyne urządzenie na świecie
  • Binarny dump pamięci PMM z telefonów XGold
  • Format obszaru użytkownika w telefonach WD2
  • Odczyt kodu zabezpieczającego
  • Reset kodu zabezpieczającego bez utraty danych
  • Reset licznika błędnie wprowadzonych kodów
  • Kopia zapasowa obszaru RPL (DCT4)
  • Zapis RPL
Opis modułu WP7/WP8 (Windows Phone 7 i Windows Phone8) (DODANY W GRUDNIU 2012):
  • Odblokowanie nowych modeli jak np. Lumia 820, Lumia 920 poprzez prosty darmowy odczyt kodów (wsytarczy kliknac Read SP Codes)
Opis modułu Nokia Tool - część BB5/XGold2:
  • Obsługa najnowszych procesorów XGold223 (Asha 308, Asha309)
  • Naprawa usterek programowych poprzez flashowanie
  • Aktualizacja oprogramowania
  • Zmiana pakietów językowych
  • Naprawa IMEI (poprzez kalkulację ASK->RPL)
  • Flashowanie telefonów BB5 możliwe przez interfejs FBUS bądź USB (ostatnia implementacja protokołu FUR praktycznie nie odbiega możliwościami od FBUSa)
  • Pełna kopia zapasowa RPLa z telefonów BB5 - jako jedyne urządzenie na świecie potrafi zgrać pełnego RPLa wraz z Superdonglem z telefonów RAPIDO oraz RAPU z nowym rodzajem szyfrowania. Telefon po zrobieniu kopii zapasowej może zostać bez problemu zaniżony, wyczyszczony, itd... Dodatkowo po przywróceniu RPL telefon wciąż będzie się autoryzować z oryginalną kartą SX4 Nokii.
  • Naprawa downgrade (niektóre modele ; BB5)
  • Autoryzacja SX-4 poprzez serwer (w celu naprawy ST_SECURITY_TEST failed)
  • Autoryzacja SX-4 bez użycia Internetu - box emuluje oryginalną kartę SX4 Nokii oraz jako jedyny w momencie autoryzacji nie uszkadza kluczy Superdongle
  • Naprawa kluczy superdongle (np. po pełnym wykasowaniu telefonu)
  • Odczyt certyfikatów (NPC,CCC,HWC,...)
  • Zapis certyfikatów
  • Analiza bezpieczeństwa telefonu (w celu ustalenia przyczyny Contact Service)
  • Zapis RPL
  • Pełne odblokowanie telefonów opartych o SL1/SL2 (łącznie z najnowszych modeli opartych o hash 479cc....) poprzez kalkulacje kodów odblokowywujących. W celu wyliczenia kodów potrzebny jest jednak odczyt obszaru bezpieczeństwa - poprzez interfejs FBUS.
  • Pełne odblokowanie telefonów opartych o SL1/SL2 poprzez interfejs USB (Modele oparte o procesor RAPIDO, np. E51, 6120c, 6220c,).
  • Odblokowanie / relock telefonów opartych o SL1/SL2 poprzez kalkulację RPL - poprzez FBUS, lub USB (RAPIDO).
  • Naprawa uszkodzonego obszaru simlocka w telefonach SL1/SL2 - porzez FBUS, lub USB (RAPIDO).
  • Ręczne wprowadzanie kodu odblokowującego poprzez interfejs FBUS/USB
  • Odczyt kodu zabezpieczającego
  • Reset kodu zabezpieczającego
  • Odblokowanie najnowszych telefonów SL3 poprzez LBF. Logger działa praktycznie na wszystkich procesorach (RAP3,RAPIDO,RAPU,RAP4) poprzez interfejs FBUS. W ostatniej aktualizacji dołożyliśmy możliwość odczytu danych do LBF poprzez interfejs USB! (Obsługiwane RAPIDO oraz RAPU, RAP4/RAP3 w kolejnych aktualizacjach).
  • Box przed odczytem LBF rozpoznaje profile bits. Jeśli telefon pochodzi z sieci takiej, jak Telcel Mexico oraz posiada zablokowaną możliwość wprowadzenia kodów przez kabel lub klawiaturę użytkownik otrzyma stosowny komunikat
  • Box przed odczytem LBF sprawdza czy telefon posiada 15 cyfrowy kod (możliwy LBF) czy 20 cyfrowy (LBF nie możliwy w związku ze zbyt dużą złożonością czasową - 10^20)
  • Do odblokowania/odczytu LBF obsługiwane są wszystkie hashe, czyli:

Opis narzędzia COM Emulator:
  • Urządzenie może pracować w trybie emulatora COM. Po emulacji box będzie widniał w systemie jako Port COM. Bardzo przydatna funkcja - możemy podpiąć jakikolwiek kabel serwisowy zgodny z pinoutem UFSa pod port Service. Korzystając z darmowych/płatnych programów możemy w ten sposób również serwisować inne telefony (np. Siemens, LG, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, ...)
Opis dodatku Cyclone Calculator:
    Odblokowanie poprzez kalkulację kodów NCK następujących modeli:
  • B331
  • BlueBelt
  • C700
  • C701
  • C707
  • C717
  • C820
  • C825
  • E101FLIP
  • EL03
  • I650
  • OT103
  • OT203
  • OT203A
  • OT203E
  • OT280
  • OT303
  • OT360
  • OT363
  • OT383
  • OT600
  • OT660
  • OT708
  • OT800
  • S215
  • S218
  • S319
  • S320
  • S321
  • S520
  • S621
  • S853
  • V570
  • V670
  • V770
  • VM621I
Opis narzędzia Cyclone LOG2COD:
  • Unikalne oprogramowanie służące do przeliczania zgranych plików LOG (LBF) do COD. Wymagana karta graficzna zgodna z ATI CAL (HD5xxx,HD6xxx)
Obsługiwane modele przez Cyclone Key Box:
    Rap3Gv3 phones: (SL1)
  • 3109c (RM-274)
  • 3110c (RM-237)
  • 3250 (RM-38)
  • 3500c (RM-272)
  • 3500cb (RM-273)
  • 5200 (RM-174)
  • 5200b (RM-181)
  • 5300 (RM-146)
  • 5300b (RM-147)
  • 5500 (RM-86)
  • 5700 (RM-230)
  • 5700 (RM-302)
  • 6085 (RM-198)
  • 6086 (RM-188)
  • 6086b (RM-260)
  • 6125 (RM-178)
  • 6126/6133 (RM-126)
  • 6131 (RM-115)
  • 6131 NFC (RM-216)
  • 6136 (RM-199)
  • 6151 (RM-200)
  • 6233 (RM-145)
  • 6234 (RM-123)
  • 6280/6288 (RM-78)
  • 6290 (RM-176)
  • 6300 (RM-217)
  • 6300b (RM-222)
  • 7370 (RM-70)
  • 7373 (RM-209)
  • 7390 (RM-140)
  • 8600 (RM-164)
  • E50 (RM-170)
  • E50 (RM-171)
  • E50 (RM-172)
  • E61 (RM-89)
  • E61i (RM-227)
  • E62 (RM-88)
  • E65 (RM-208)
  • N73-1 (RM-133)
  • N73-5 (RM-132)
  • N75 (RM-128)
  • N76 (RM-135)
  • N76 (RM-149)
  • N77 (RM-194)
  • N80-1 (RM-92)
  • N80-3 (RM-91)
  • N92 (RM-100)
    BB5+ (SL2)
  • 3120C
  • 3555
  • 3555b
  • 5310
  • 5310b
  • 5610
  • 5610d
  • 6263
  • 6267
  • 6300i
  • 6301
  • 6500S
  • 6500C
  • 6555
  • 7500
  • 7900
  • 8800e Arte
    Rapido (SL2) - (BB5+ RAPIDO - możliwy unlock przez USB!)
  • 5320
  • 5800
  • 6110
  • 6120c
  • 6121c
  • N705i
  • N706i
  • 6124c
  • 6210
  • 6220c
  • 6290
  • 6600
  • 6650
  • E51
  • E63
  • E66
  • E71
  • E75
  • N78
  • N79
  • N81
  • N81 8gb
  • N82
  • N85
  • N95 8gb
  • N96
  • E75
    RAPS_V3.03-PA_SL2 CPU
  • 3600 slide
  • 5220 XpressMusic
  • 7210 Supernova
  • 7310 Supernova
  • 7610 Supernova
  • 7510a
  • 5130C
    RAP3GS_V3.02-PA_SL2 CPU
  • 36600 fold
  • 6600 slide
    ASIC 3168
  • RH-86 2610 v07.04a
  • RH-87 2610b v07.04a
  • RM[zasłonięte]258 27 v06.82
  • RM[zasłonięte]258 27 v07.60
  • RM[zasłonięte]259 27b v06.82
  • RM[zasłonięte]259 27b v07.60
  • RM[zasłonięte]298 26 v07.60
  • RM[zasłonięte]298 26 v57.20
  • RM[zasłonięte]299 26b v07.60
  • RM[zasłonięte]299 26b v57.20
  • RM[zasłonięte]340 26c v06.82
  • RM[zasłonięte]340 26c v07.60
  • RM[zasłonięte]341 26c-b v06.82
  • RM[zasłonięte]341 26c-b v07.60
  • RM[zasłonięte]391 27h v05.45
  • RM[zasłonięte]392 26s v06.17
  • RM[zasłonięte]392 26s v56.17
  • RM[zasłonięte]393 26s-b v06.17
  • RM[zasłonięte]393 26s-b v56.17
  • RM[zasłonięte]394 16c v06.82
  • RM[zasłonięte]394 16c v07.60
  • RM[zasłonięte]395 16c-b v06.82
  • RM[zasłonięte]395 16c-b v07.60
  • RM[zasłonięte]438 71s v05.22
  • RM[zasłonięte]438 71s v05.41
  • RM[zasłonięte]438 71s v06.31
  • RM[zasłonięte]438 71s v06.32
  • RM[zasłonięte]439 71s-b v05.22
  • RM[zasłonięte]439 71s-b v05.41
  • RM[zasłonięte]439 71s-b v06.31
  • RM[zasłonięte]439 71s-b v06.32
  • RM[zasłonięte]512 23c v06.46
  • RM[zasłonięte]512 23c v06.75
  • RM[zasłonięte]512 23c v08.20
  • RM[zasłonięte]513 23c-b v06.46
  • RM[zasłonięte]513 23c-b v06.75
  • RM[zasłonięte]513 23c-b v08.20
  • RM[zasłonięte]514 23c v06.75
  • RM[zasłonięte]514 23c v08.20
  • RM[zasłonięte]515 23c-b v06.75
  • RM[zasłonięte]515 23c-b v08.20
  • RM[zasłonięte]519 27f v08.20
  • RM[zasłonięte]520 27f-b v08.20
  • RM[zasłonięte]543 23c v06.75
  • RM[zasłonięte]543 23c v08.20
  • RM[zasłonięte]544 23c-b v06.75
  • RM[zasłonięte]544 23c-b v08.20
    Modele SL3 - unlock poprzez LBF (log2cod - bruteforce). Możliwość odczytu danych zarówno po interfejsie FBUS jak i USB!
  • 2690 - RM-635
  • 2700c, 2700c-2 - RM-561
  • 2730c-1, 2730c - RM-578
  • 2730c-1b - RM-579
  • 3600s - RM-352
  • 3720c - RM-518
  • 3720c-2 - RM-518
  • 5130, 5130c-2 - RM-495
  • 5130c-2 - RM-496
  • 5228, 5230, 5232, 5233 - RM-588/593/594/625/629
  • 5310 Xpress Music - RM-303
  • 5530 - RM-504
  • 5630 Xpress Music - RM-431
  • 5630d-1 - RM-431
  • 5730s-1 Xpress Music - RM-465
  • 5800d - RM-356/428
  • 6120c - RM-243
  • 6300 - RM-217
  • 6303c - RM-443
  • 6500c - RM-265
  • 6500s-1 - RM-240
  • 6700c-1, 6700c - RM-470
  • 6700s - RM-576
  • 6710s navigator - RM-491
  • 6720c - RM-424
  • 6730c-1 - RM-547
  • 6750 Mural - RM-381
  • 6760s - RM-573
  • 6790s - RM-492/599
  • 7210c, 7212c - RM-436
  • C3-01 - RM-640
  • C5-00 - RM-645
  • C5-03 - RM-697
  • C6-00 - RM-612/624
  • C6-01 - RM-601/718
  • C7-00 - RM-675
  • E5-00 - RM-632
  • E52-1 - RM-469
  • E55-1 - RM-482
  • E63 - RM-437/450
  • E66 - RM-343/345/420/494
  • E71 - RM-346/347/357/407/493
  • E72-1 - RM-530
  • E72-2 - RM-529
  • E73 - RM-658
  • N8-00 - RM-596
  • N86 - RM-484/485/486
  • N97 - RM-505/506/507
  • N97-4 mini - RM-555
  • N97-5 - RM-553
  • X3-02 - RM-639
  • X5-01 - RM-627
  • X6-00 - RM-551/559
  • X7 RM-707
  • Nokia 500
  • Nokia 600
  • Nokia 700
  • Nokia 701
  • ASHA 200 RM-761
  • ASHA 200 RM-762
  • C1-01 RM-607
  • C1-01 RM-608
  • C1-02 RM-643
  • C1-02 RM-644
  • C2-00 RM-704
  • C2-02 RM-692
  • C2-02 RM-693
  • C2-05 RM-724
  • C2-05 RM-725
  • C2-03 RM-702
  • C2-06 RM-702
  • C2-07 RM-692
  • C2-08 RM-702
  • X2-02 RM-694
  • X2-05 RM-772
  • X1-00
  • X1-01
  • Nokia 100
  • Nokia 101
  • Nokia 102
    WP7/WP8 (Windows Phone 7 i WindowsPhone8)Odczyt kodów NCK jednym kliknięciem !!!
  • 36600 fold
  • 6600 slide

  • Wygląd Boxa Cyclone Key i programu:
      Cyclone Key
      Cyclone Key

      Cyclone Key Cyclone Key

    Video z działania programu Cyclone Box:

    Lista wszystkich aktualizacji do 9.11.2012 włącznie:

    Installer v1.22
    - New CPU support added, XGold223 (Asha 308, Asha309)
    - Supported operations: Write Flash, Read/Write Certificates, Read RPL, Write RPL, etc...
    - Firmware v02.11 Released
    - Lumia SmartTP(R) introduced, for testers only (can detect short-circuits between Lumia eMMC Points (MISO,MOSI,CLK,CS), GND, or VCC, it shows also link quality). Use on _POWERED OFF_ PCB! When connecting power, it can show FALSE status! Very helpful during soldering time.
    - New BB5 Loaders Added
    - Lumia USB Flashing improved
    - Latest Blackberry MEPs added
    - Improved flashing speed and NPC certs reading time
    - Improved CBUS protocol handling (sometimes it wents out of synchronization)
    - Fixed BSI spurious glitch problem with ~2.x firmware
    - Fixed DCT4 booting problems
    - Improved FBUS Local Mode entry
    - XGold213xx certificates Backup Added (NPC,HWC,CCC,...)
    - XGold213xx Full Flash chip dump to BIN added
    - XGold213xx Low-level PMM dump added (can dump PM from dead mobile)
    - XGold213xx Low-Level FILESYSTEM dump from dead mobiles added. This dumps full FAT16 user data partition to BIN file for further actions (analysis, recovery, forensics, ...)
    - Minor changes and bugfixes

    Notes about XGold 223 flashing: Switching to RAW mode is not supported (i.e. flashing from local/test mode, ROM will respons with empty public id (000000...) - very same story as with rapido). Battery reset needed, software will prompt you, but not always. Keep it noticed.

    Notes about XGold 223 RPL: Readen RPL is not full RPL backup (missing crypted PM308 data). This phone is very TexasInstruments-Nokia like, but not really. Once loaders with assymetric key hack is not ready, you SHOULDN'T full erase your phone any way.


    Installer v1.21
    - New BB5 FBUs/USB Loaders v12.08.00 Added
    - Qualcomm Based Products support added (Lumia 800, 610, etc)
    - Normal mode Flashing is supported
    - Dead-mode flashing is supported
    - Downgrade is supported
    - Support for Multi-CNT Qulacomm Configurations
    - Support secure-erase USER Area - this takes about 15-25 minutes
    - Basic read info including battery information etc for Lumia products
    - Automatic Variant selection for Lumia products
    - Cross-flash is supported, if Public Key hash matches
    - After connecting product in Normal mode, Zune drivers must be installed. Take them from C:Program FilesCyclone BoxDriversZuneDrivers
    - Flashing drivers will be installed automatically, however on some problems just install them manually from C:Program FilesCyclone BoxDriversLumiaFlashing
    - Abort Button improved
    - SX4 Default Database updated, added 30 new models
    - Nokia Connectivity cables drivers updated to v7.1.78.0
    - Minor changes and bugfixes

    Installer v1.20
    - New Loaders v11.50.00 added
    - MEP-40[zasłonięte]-004 added
    - Xgold113 (Dual-sim) RPL write support added
    - New Product - Cyclone Box Reloaded support added
    - Project completly refactorized from scratch. Compiler changed from obsolete Delphi7 to Delphi2007. Just because of this, lots of stability and speed improvment gained.
    - "News" added in main window
    - No need anymore to tick "Old USB flashing method" manually, it's detected automatically
    - "New Downgrade" BB5 method added (tick in before-flash tasks)
    - When Windows 7 is detected, software is not hidden to tray
    - Added Windows 7 interactive progressbar when minimized to tray. When software is minimized, you will notice status of current job: green progressbar - working, red progressbar - error, yellow-paused, etc
    - Boot recovery added for all boxes during box wizard
    - Bootloader reverted to v2.13 (temporary solution, v3.01 will get back soon)
    - Automatic smartcard refill when empty addded
    - Added COD->NCK verification upon data generation
    - After COD->NCK calculation, NCK codes are automatically stored inside COD file
    - New Paths is now addded to default Flash Path Search table (C:UsersxxxxAppData... etc)
    - Windows7 Permission issues fixed (needed "Run as admin" to work properly with autoupdate)
    - Software is redesigned now. To gain full funcionality YOU DON'T NEED run as "Admin". This means you can be ensured about our software quality and security - no hidden trojans (as happened before with other products).
    - Box wizard Added; this is all-in-one tool which will: repair, upgrade, activate, register, bootloader recovery, smartcard refill, bootloader upgrade, etc your box. Just one click.
    - Box Registration module removed
    - Box Maintenance module removed
    - Card Maintenance module removed
    - The paths is now updated on each sw startup
    - Fixed Windows7 Save Paths/Settings problem
    - BB5 loader problems when skin enbled (ROM refused...etc)
    - Access violation on exit fixed
    - Splash updated
    - CBUS Lost Handle Fixed
    - Only one copy of Cyclone Box application can be launched now, this improves stability
    - NCK Code Sending fixed for SIMLOC30 phones (0x01 error)
    - Fixed tray issues
    - Autoupdate code is now checking for installed installer, if obsolete then asks for download latest version
    - Improved RPL backup in USB mode (Custom Loader didn't reset phone to FlashMode, and some backups did containt Superdongle/Simlock data only)
    - XGold/Blackberry Service "Credits" renamed to "Counter" (because it is a counter, not real fee-credits), as it puts too much confussion
    - "Join us on Facebook" added at main software
    - "cyclonebox.dll not found" message when no drivers installed changed to suitable messagebox asking to connect your box first time and install drivers
    - "security problem #1" solved on those who copied cyclonebox.dll before
    - Fixed interrupted auto-update problems (after restart - this is not valid Win32 application)
    - FastMM v4.99 Introduced
    - Skin Stack Updated to v7.62
    - libeay/ssleay libraries updated to latest one, much more fast and stable
    - Minor changes and bugfixes

    Installer v1.17
    - BB5 FBUS/USB Loaders v11.40.00 Introduced
    - Realtime SE Xperia Unlocker account Creator in 'Credits' tool added. 10 Cyclone credits = 1 Xperia phone unlocked
    - SE Xperia Unlocked introduced into installer, this is 3rd party addon
    - Introduced previous updates (standalone and free Broadcom unlocking, RAPUv21, etc)
    - PM Protection is now unticked by default
    - PM Protection is automatically unticked during SX4 operations
    - Full Erase for New Protocol APE phones fixed (wrong CMT Flash Device Index selected)
    - Minor changes and Bugfixes

    Installer v1.16b Hotfixed
    Black Edition
    - New BB5 FBUS/USB Loaders v11.24.00 Introduced
    - Fixed problems with handling RAPIDO > v11.16.00 loaders over FBUS (FUR control Add Problem)
    - Added Dead USB Flashing for RAPIDO and other FUR-over-USB operations (DO NOT USE FOR CERTIFICATE READ/WRITE!), still "old method" avaiable in connection tab.
    - Certificates operations for Rapido FBUS-OVER-USB disabled, because is not supported by loaders ( it will fail without any attempt )
    - Rapido Alive FUR-over-USB flashing not supported, flash those phones by Dead variant instead (Switch to RAW mode problem in this models..), or "Old USB Flashing Method"
    - "Use OLD USB FLASHING METHOD" moved to BB5/Flashing tab
    - "Settings" tab renamed to Connection
    - TX2 settings removed from BB5 Flashing Tab
    - RAPU Flashing/Booting Improved
    - C2-02 XGold2 Flashing "Added" - Cyclone has flashing compatibilty for this model, but MassMemory file couldn't be handled becasue too big. Fixed.
    - BB5 Mass Memory Flashing Tested - Cyclone SW has this posibility from long time ago...
    - Added "Read Unique Data" button. Use to boot phone by Flashbus directly, and dump Unique Data (for Simlock,SD,...) when phone doesn't have correct BSI resistors value. Dumped unique data might be lately used for USB operations if still FBUS operations fails.
    - Old DCT4 Asic 2,5,6,7 Direct Unlock/Relock/Autolock Introduced, finally
    - Fixed invalid Calculation of Mastercode
    - Standalone DCT4 RPL Calculation Introduced, supported Asics: 2,5,6,7,11
    - Added support for DCT4 (7250i, 6610i, 2125i, 2865i, 6275i) Product Data RPL Entity Writing for fixing CS
    - Added support for generating extended DCT4 RPL with Product Data for above models (CS problems)
    - Alcatel Calculator added to gui
    - PMM Protection Checkbox added upon PM write. Use to protect PM security fields.
    - Diagnostic Module Added
    - Selftests moved to new "Diagnostic" module
    - Vibra Tests Added
    - Backlight Tests Added
    - "Autodetect" added for DCT4 Unlocking. Unique method - non ASIC dependand (i.e. avoids RM[zasłonięte]189 23 problems avaiable on all boxes right now). If there is problems with autodetection - user still can select unlocking method manually.
    - Fixed spurious XGold2 product to be displayed in XGold1/DCT4 tab
    - Fixed product mismatch on XG1/XG2 autodetection
    - Removed DCT4 ASK-RPL From Credits Manager
    - Removed SuperDCT4 Activation from Credits Manager
    - StatusBar messages are more accurate now
    - Added "Auto-Rebuild IMEI" checkbox for "Read UEM IMEI" function. Used to automatically generate FLASH IMEI DATA and programm it - one-click REPAIR ??????????????4.
    - CacheV2 Introduced
    - XGold1/2 Flashing Routines rewritten to be more memory effective
    - Dead-erased XGold2 flashing improved, plus added some messages regarding to reviving dead XG2
    - USB Connection Type is now selected automatically when XGold2 platform found
    - Check flashing Bus for WD2 fixed
    - Read UEM Imei for WD2 Fixed
    - Read ASK for WD2 Fixed
    - Write RPL for WD2 Fixed
    - Fixed lots of Access Violatios after closing up Nokia Tool
    - Fixed bug with disappearing Tray icon after Minimize to Tray
    - Afterwards DCT4 Erase All chips, the Permanent Data aren't restored anymore
    - Fixed DCT4 RPL Write problem when only DATA2 exists in RPL file
    - The supported MEP List are now acquired from box once Blackberry Tool launch
    - Moved UEM stuff to new "ASK/RPL Tool"
    - XGold2 MassMemory flashing added
    - Remaining XGold Credits are now shown upon launching of Nokia Tool (Those one used for XGold1 LBF, Blackberry Codes Service, etc)
    - Default Security Area XGold Service count increased from 50 to 100 (100 phones limit between SA updates for Blackerry,XGold1,...)
    - XGold/Blackberry service is now also checked upon Blackberry tool startup, also after each Code calculation remaining Calculation Limit is displayed
    - Relock files updated for DCT4
    - AutoUpdater Introduced
    - USB Flashing Solved due to wrongly installed Flashing Cable Drivers on some configurations (i.e. Virgin PC)
    - 6230 Flashing Fixed (Given Image not maches with readen UPP Id or Image problem). If problem still exists - select all flashing files _MANUALLY_ don't use INI based (because there exists two HW versions E and M - autoselection is HWID based and may fails anytime).
    - Database Unlock Introduced
    - RPL Write revised
    - Fixed bug with Broadcom Read Info
    - PARTNERC certificate support added for Certificate Read
    - PARTNERC certificate support added for Certificate Write
    - PARTNERC certificate support addef for RPL Operations
    - OMAP Loaders Fixed
    - PM Write bugs fixed (Access Violation)
    - Bruteforce between NCK Fixed
    - Erase files support added
    - DCC configuration for NIMMIIIIRRFF06[zasłonięte]000 added
    - DCC configuration for NIMMIIIIRRFF095A1F05 added
    - DCC configuration for NIMMIIIIRRFF095A1F04 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00IIIIRR030[zasłonięte]0018 added
    - DCC configuration for NIMMIIIIRRFF095B1F05 added
    - DCC configuration for NIMMIIIIRRFF0102F201 added
    - DCC configuration for ISL2TI020[zasłonięte]0103B840 added
    - DCC configuration for 860[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]00010A021001 added
    - DCC configuration for 860[zasłonięte]00[zasłonięte]94B2F01 added
    - DCC configuration for 860[zasłonięte]000104[zasłonięte]35424 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00BC000[zasłonięte]095B1F00 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00BC000[zasłonięte]0102F203 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00BC000[zasłonięte]0102F202 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00BC000[zasłonięte]095B1F05 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00BC000[zasłonięte]095B1F01 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00IIIIRR030C213402 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00IIIIRR030C213401 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00IIIIRR030C20C605 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00IIIIRR03094B2F01 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00IIIIRR[zasłonięte]03010E05 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00IIIIRR[zasłonięte]03010E01 added
    - DCC configuration for NIMMIIIIRRFF0C206C02 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00IIIIRR030[zasłonięte]5602 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00CS[zasłonięte]00000C213402 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00CS000[zasłonięte]01022E05 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00BC[zasłonięte]00000F03F802 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00BC[zasłonięte]00000A4E2000 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00BC000[zasłonięte]095B1F01 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00BC000[zasłonięte]095B1F00 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00BC000[zasłonięte]0103B904 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00BC000[zasłonięte]0102F201 added
    - DCC configuration for NI00BC000[zasłonięte]01022C00 added
    - DCC configuration for 0A4E2007 added
    - DCC configuration for 0103B904 added
    - SX4 Virgin PMs database updated, added RM-256, RM-497, RM-528V, RM-584, RM-586, RM-609, RM-612, RM-626, RM-638, RM-707, RM-712
    - HWC/CCC Templates added for products RM-469, RM-540, RM-566, RM-528V, RM-596, RM-609, RM-614, RM-645
    - Models.ini refreshed
    - Skin Stack Updated
    - Previous updates included
    - Nokia Connectivity Cable Drivers updated to v7.1.42.0
    - Fixed some wrong FBUS implementation when Packet size mod 0x78 == 0
    - Box Firmware v01.73 Released
    - Hotfixes:
    - Create RPL function fixed
    - Filter Group Erase Data fixed
    - Failed to read WMDRM PD Data fixed
    - Minor changes and bugfixes

    Installer v1.15
    - Added READING DCT4+/XGold1 Encrypted Security Code from DCT4+ Based phone (previously shown as Crypted DCT4+) - of course WITHOUT data loss - seems 1st in the world
    - Added RESET (to 12345) DCT4+/XGold1 Encrypted Security Code from DCT4+ Based phone - of course WITHOUT data loss - seems 1st in the world
    - Added Reading Full RPL (NPC,CCC,HWC,SIMLOCK,SD,...) from Dead/Downgraded/Security Wrong BB5 Units - seems 1st in world. If phone doesn't power on (Stuck on Nokia logo, or completly dead), you can now dump full RPL file in order to Full Erase your phone and revive it. Softwar before dumping RPL in Recovery mode, will ask user of doing so. So in any case of reviving downgraded phone is:
    1. Create RPL from Dead Phone
    2. Full Erase
    3. Write any SW version
    4. Write previously backed-up RPL file
    5. Authorize with SuperDongle
    6. Write virgin PM
    - Added (fixed) NCK Counter Reset for XGold2 based phones
    - SecurityBlock is now backed-up before NCK Counters Reset, just in case
    - XGold1 Dead units booting fixed
    - Separate button for Receiving L7 Code for LBF added
    - Fixed DCT4 Security Counter Attempts Reset for some DCT4 variants
    - PMM Managment Tab added to BB5 Security Tab
    - Auto-Imei RESTORE added. Used if you have corrupted your imei, but having valid NPC file. Will scan StoredFiles for CRT file matching with CMT Public ID and automaticlly write it.
    - Added DCC camera Hardware Fault alert on DCC repair - some units is hardware fault and repair is not possible (DCC file not found)
    - XGold1 PMM parsing fixed (While reading LBF, Simlock table not found for some operators/phones)
    - XGold2 Flashing problems fixed (Invalid pointer)
    - USB transactions module rewritten
    - Full Erase button added for BB5 mobiles. No need to know FlashChip mapping and size - it's scanned automaticlly. It will erase CMT flash completly. Make sure RPL and PM is readed before erase!!!
    - Added "Just NPC" option used with "Erase Certificates". Used to delete only NPC certificate (corrupt IMEI and switch phone-on to make necessary job ... with IMEI corrupted phone will switch on even without valid security area). You can use this function to dump PM from non-working phone. Don't forget to CREATE RPL FROM PHONE first! Else you will get corrupted IMEI.
    - "Force Use Server" added for SX4 Authorization.
    - Fixed AutoSelecting bug
    - Fixed problem with parsing DCT4 variants when no DCT4 products installed
    - Fixed problem with parsing BB5 variants when no BB5 products installed
    - Index out of bound (0) fixed
    - Plain RPL is checked now by default
    - Removed "Bootloader upgrade problem" message, as caused too much confusion
    - Security Problem #1 and #2 Fixed (anti-idiot-fix)
    - Added additional Security Problem #5 message for Reinstall Drivers
    - Minor changes and bugfixes

    Installer v1.14
    - New BB5 FBUS/USB Loaders v11.16.0 Introduced
    - Unique Data Reading for RAPIDO based phones by USB added
    - Unique Data Reading for RAPU based phones by USB added
    - SL2 Unlock for Old Hash (E51..,..) and New Hash (6120c,6760) just by USB cable
    - SL3 Unlock by reading LBF data for all SL3 RAPIDO/RAPU Phones
    - Standalone Superdongle Auth - without SD key corruption
    - SD Keys Repair
    - Security Analyze
    - RPL Backup
    - All this using just usb cable...
    - Our loaders automatically set phone to LocalMode after reading LogData - tested with N97, seems 1st in world ;)
    - RAPIDO phones before reading USB LogFile, needs to be manually set into FlashMode. Apporiate messagebox will be displayed with instructions (replug battery, cable, etc..). If your phone is RAPU or RAP4 based, you don't need to reject battery or do nothing - just click OK and it will switch to RAW mode directly.
    - We also added support for FUR-like flashing for RAPIDO phones. That means it's possible to flash these phones FBUS-like (completly erased, etc - FBUS protocol emulation). However, because of many problems we've disabled it in current release. You can test it manually by placing "v11.16.0" RAPIDO loaders into LoadersBB5FPIF32BIT.
    * Known problems with RAPIDO 11.16.0 loaders:
    * FBUS support is broken
    * Readed Certificates via USB is broken (Control transactions support up to ~0x90 bytes of upcoming data)
    * Probably not working with Axxxx ROMS (E51)
    * Lot of other issues observed
    - The FUR-like flashing (not ADL though) will be probably enabled in next version after closer investigation
    - Fixed oclHashCat COD File bugs (occurs when last digit of imei is 0)
    - Box Firmware v01.62 Released
    - Minor changes and bugfixes

    Installer v1.13
    - New BB5 FBUS/USB Loaders v11.14.0 introduced
    - Added 20 digits NCK recognization. Software will now give alert upon reading LBF data, when 20 digits NCK data will be found. This saves server time!
    - The Profile Bits are also analyzed now during Reading LBF Data. If phone is i.e. from Telcel Mexico - LBF data will not be readen (because it will not accepted calculated NCK code). This saves server time!
    - BB5/XGold LBF is creating now additional "BCL" format file
    - BB5/XGold LBF is creating now additional "SHA" format file
    - BB5/XGold LBF is creating now additional oclHashCat ATI based 64-bit BAT File
    - BB5/XGold LBF is creating now additional oclHashCat ATI based 32-bit BAT File
    - BB5/XGold LBF is creating now additional oclHashCat NVIDIA based 64-bit BAT File
    - BB5/XGold LBF is creating now additional oclHashCat NVIDIA based 32-bit BAT File
    - SIMLOC30 RPL Write Fixed (C7-00,C2-01,...)
    - The generated "BAT" file could be used by oclHashCat-lite. It's 3rd party software, avaiable here: http://hashcat.net/files/oclHashcat-lite-0.05.7z . Unpack it somewhere, and place in same dir readen "BAT" files. oclHashCat is 15% faster (can reach 6Billions hashes/sec on 2xhd5970) than log2cod, plus it supports latest ATI GPUS (HD6970,HD6990,HD6xxx). It supports calculation resume, etc.
    - You don't need now log2cod to generate LBF Data. Just use generated BAT file for fast oclHashCat calculation. Generated COD file you can send directly to our server via "Send COD File to server" button to receive valid Level 7 code.
    - Added oclHashCat COD file format support (now you can use oclHashCat generated COD/TXT files to submit to server and calculate Level 7 code)
    - Added MxCrap COD file format support (now you can use oclHashCat generated COD/TXT files to submit to server and calculate Level 7 code)
    - Added warning message when TX2 transmission error occurs during 2ND Loader Initialization
    - Upgraded RAPIDO Custom loader to v1.05. Fixed Reading Unique Data issues on old Public Rom (A8C1D671) based phones (N95,N78,...).
    - BlackBerry MEP-4 calculation added
    - Merged previous updates (RAPIDO/RAPU/RAP4 all latest hashes support for reading LBF data, etc...)
    - Fixed Security Code Reset Issues on DCT4/BB5 Platform
    - Firmware v1.61 Released
    - Minor changes and bugfixes

    Installer v1.12
    - Firmware v1.55 introduced - RAP4 CMT Booting (Wrong first char) fixed
    - Added SP unlock via server / log2cod reading
    - Added standalone SX4 auth
    - Added standalone Superdongle Keys Repair
    - Supported phones:
    - RAPU Based: 5630, 6260s, 6700c, 6700s, 6710n, 6720c, 6730, 6750, E52, E55, E72
    - RAP4 Based: 3710, 5330, 7230, 6303i, X3
    - Minor changes and bugfixes

    Installer v1.11
    - New BB5 FBUS/USB Loaders v10.48.1 introduced
    - DCT4/BB5 Product/Variant caching added. Saves lot of time when selecting correct Datapackage. This is done automaticcly. During Deletion or Installing some of DP, cache is rebuilt automatically on user demand.
    - XGold2 USB Flashing Introduced (C1-01,C1-02,C2-00,...)
    - Added XGold2 RPL Backup (including CCC,HWC,NPC,Simlock) - FIRST in the world. The backup is created automatically during flash.
    - Added XGold2 RPL Write (CCC,HWC,NPC and Simlock) seems FIRST in the world. In order to write RPL file, you need flash your phone and add RPL file as secondary flashing Image (Add XGold2 RPL button).
    - XGold2 RPL Contains FULL phone security, possible to Full restore after Flash Chip change
    - Added XGold1 Unlocking by Reading LOG2COD Log file
    - Added XGold1 Low-Level PM Dumping (both Secured and Nonsecured areas), seems 1st in world
    - Added XGold1 Low-Level RPL Backup, seems 1st in world
    - XGold1 Backed-up RPL file might be used to completly Re-Initialize phone security, i.e. after flash-chip change (RPL Contains IMEI and Simlock Block), seems 1st in world...
    - Both XGold1 Low Level dumps support dead phones (phone might be dead, Cyclone will binary dump PM from flash chip directly)
    - Added XGold1 Low-Level Deleted PM Keys dumping (extra option-don't write back readen PM file with deleted keys, they are ASCII marked as deleted ones). Support deleted messages, contacts, ..., seems 1st in world
    - Added XGold1 FBUS/Keyboard SL Bad Entries Counter reset, seems 1st in world
    - Reading XGOLD1 LOG2COD is fully standalone, seems 1st in world
    - XGold1 Unlock/RPL supported mobiles: 1616, 1280, 1208, 1209, 1800, C1-00, and others...
    - Added "Mapped At" FlashChip information during XGold Flashing, when possible
    - Added "Sector Size" FlashChip information during XGold Flashing, when possible
    - No reboot flashing for XGold added
    - APE block flashing fixed for various RAPIDO mobiles
    - Fixed Old Protocol (Dead) USB Flashing (RAPIDO phones: N86,etc)
    - Fixed Blackberry Module - upon reading MEP via USB it was placing it on wrong window
    - Assigned COD files are now verified before sending to server, the auxiliary verification also takes place at Server Side
    - Fixed OpenDialog filter when adding DCT4/BB5 flash file
    - log2cod: v1.1 Released
    - log2cod: GPU Selftests added (some GPU find bad code, or didn't find anything at all)
    - log2cod: Added Ivan Golubev EULA
    - log2cod: Added Queue managment
    - log2cod: Code Verification added after successfull calculation
    - log2cod: Console is cleared after some salts processed in order to avoid overflow
    - log2cod: PeekNamedPipe() problem fixed
    - log2cod: Added queue processing in loop mode (you can add new jobs during calculation)
    - The transaction bar have been a bit resized
    - Cyclone Box HW Rev B11x, C11x added
    - Models.ini updated
    - Box USB Drivers updated to v1.0.0.6 - they are digitally signed now, no more problems on Win7 / Win Vista x64
    - COM Emulation Service Driver updated to v1.0.0.1 - it is digitally signed now, no more problems on Win7 / Win Vista x64
    - Main Software is now Digitally Signed (Authenthicode)
    - log2cod is now Digitally Signed (Auhtenthicode)
    - Cyclone Calculator is now Digitally Signed (Authenthicode)
    - Installer is now Digitally Signed (Auhtnethicode)
    - New phones added to Virgin SX4 Database
    - New phones added to Security Database (Virgin RPL)
    - Box Firmware v1.53 Released
    - Some minor and major changes and bugfixes
    - Versions snap
    Installer v1.11
    Main x86 Application v1.0.0.11003
    x86 Memory Manager v4.76.0.179
    Native USB Drivers v1.0.0.6
    USB-COM Stack Drivers v1.0.0.1
    Onboard Secure Bootloader v2.13
    Onboard Main Nokia Application v1.53
    Onboard COM Emulation Code v1.00
    Onboard Security Card Revision v1.10
    Nokia Connectivity Cable Drivers
    BB5 USB/FPIF Single Line/FPIF DualLine v20[zasłonięte]301
    DCT4 FPIF Single Line/USB v20[zasłonięte]410
    DCT4 Unlock Patches DEPRECATED
    Communication Stack SSLv3-keys-06[zasłonięte]008
    Skin Stack v7.21

    Installer v1.10
    Merry X-Mas !
    - First in the world - Infineon XGold IMEI Backup/Restore added
    - New BB5 FBUS/USB Loaders v10.34.1 introduced
    - BB5 USB Flashing module rewritten, supports new Flashing Type: FUR USB - using FBUS loaders on USB. Is possible now to do also RPL write, Cert's read/write/erase, using just USB cable. Full FBUS protocol emulation over USB supported!
    - FBUS2USB RAPU Support
    - FBUS2USB RAP4 Support
    - FBUS2USB Broadcomm Support
    - Broadcomm platform flashing added (Nokia X2,....)
    - 6700,E52 and other RAPunistore Booting fixed (Wrong First Char Received)
    - SL3 Simlock RPL Write Introduced
    - DCT4/BB5 Flash TurboCache added, increasing flashing speed a bit
    - The Profile Bits is now analyzed before SL3 Unlock (it will not submit job if phone have blocked NCK unlocking - i.e. Telcel Mexico units)
    - New NCK unlocking method for SL2 phones introduced (with latest MCU SW versions)
    - Added Autologging (operation logs are stored in StoredFiles)
    - Added USB Full RPL Backup (NPC,CCC,HWC,Simlock,WMDRM,etc)
    - Added StatusBar in Nokia Tool, displaying current Task/Mobile attached
    - DCC Camera Repair added for module NI00BC000[zasłonięte]0102F201
    - DCC Camera Repair added for module ISL3TI[zasłonięte]02000C000002
    - DCC Camera Repair added for module IS00TI[zasłonięte]02000C208A03
    - DCC Camera Repair added for module IS00TI020[zasłonięte]01022B04
    - DCC Camera Repair added for module 860[zasłonięte]00010[zasłonięte]022B04
    - DCC Camera Repair added for module 860[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]00010C208A03
    - DCC Camera Repair added for module 86L103[zasłonięte]10406[zasłonięte]004
    - DCC Camera Repair added for module 86L103[zasłonięte]10406[zasłonięte]000
    - DCC Camera Repair added for module 86L103[zasłonięte]10[zasłonięte]C1003
    - Refactorized GUI thread problems
    - Improved stability of Blackberry calculator
    - Improved flashing speed with Skins Enabled
    - Added detailed Action Statusbar
    - Added CBUS StatusBar, indicates "---->" on USB Transmit, "<----" on USB Receive, Idle and Errors
    - Support area is rebuilt - file list parsing is optimized
    - "Connection Closed Gracefully" in Support Area fixed
    - Connection recovery in SupportArea added
    - Fixed "Floating Point Divison by zero" in Support Area
    - Entered NCK codes are now backed-up too upon Simlock Backup
    - New progressbar introduced in Nokia Tool gui
    - Improved USB SwitchToRaw
    - Improved ADL Server Pooling
    - Improved USB Phone Pooling
    - USB BootRom detect routine rebuilt
    - Fixed "Access Violation" while application exit
    - Fixed Registration Tool bug when "Submit" button is not shown after Box Prepare
    - Fixed bug when software after minimizing to tray don't appears at taskbar
    - Added "KB Left", "Time Left", "Current Speed" real-time information while downloading files from support
    - The Germany Server is now default Support Server
    - Added support for Box HW Revisions B, thus is A11F, B110, B111 and B112, and other B11x
    - Old "INI" File Parser Module added (for Old DCT4 phones)
    - Old "INI" File parser Module added (for Old BB5 phones)
    - Added support for 6630,6680,N70 ini parser (DPConverted v1-v2 VPL files)
    - The product name is now resolved at Product List (i.e. RM-1 (6630))
    - Auto-select flashfiles added (selects product and variants on Read Phone)
    - The new method of BB5 NCK Calculation is now the default Unlock Method for BB5 mobiles. For SL3 use SL3 Online Code Calculation.
    - "Abort" button added, this terminating all threads (during flash, erase, unlock, whatever)
    - Skin Manager updated to v7.02, much stable and faster
    - Fixed box hangup problem when PC goes to sleep mode
    - During SL3 Check/Submit job, phone is readen first, then server transaction starts (to not overload server resources)
    - Failed to Process Initial Challenge (2) during Bootloader Upgrade fixed
    - During SL3 Submit Job software now try first to read PM 120 and detect if phone is SL3
    - Small changes regarding SL3 Submit Job - should work bit smoother right now with bad cables
    - Updated message about SL3 Credit consumption
    - Added bigger delay between entering NCK codes (bruteforce protection)
    - Fixed "Canvas does not allow drawing" while SL3 Manual Mode
    - Cyclone Secure Bootloader v2.13 Released
    - Cyclone Main Firmware v01.49 Released
    - Cyclone Calculator v1.00 added into installer
    - Cyclone USB Drivers Updated to
    - Connectivity Cable drivers updated to
    - Minor changes and bugfixes

    Installer v1.09
    - New BB5 Loaders v10.22.00 Introduced
    - SL3 Unlocking added, uses server and credits, supported models:

    - 2700 Classic (RM-561)
    - 2730 Classic (RM-57
    - 2730c-1b (RM-579)
    - 2690c (RM-635)
    - 3600 Slide (RM-352) v56.26 – v57.23
    - 3720 Classic (RM-51
    - 5130 XpressMusic (RM-495)
    - 5310 XpressMusic (RM-303) v58.58 – v59.42
    - 5730s (RM-465)
    - 6300 (RM-217) v57.20
    - 6303 Classic (RM-443)
    - 6500 Slide (RM-240) v59.60
    - 6500 Classic (RM-265) v59.45
    - N97 (RM-505/506/507)
    - N97 mini (RM-555)

    - When using New Protocol flashing, software reminds about correct TX2 cable and yellow adapter
    - Added Manual Mode to retrieve SL3 NCK if you dont have phone in hand (just enter IMEI when asked)
    - Added "Erase NCK Codes" - this should be used when phones needs to be factory-relocked (best to use with SL3 if you want to clear entered NCK codes). Work with SL2 too. Simlock area is untouched when Relocking to factory state, and warranty will still be ok. Seems first software on market with such funcionality.
    - Fixed BlackBerry calculation problems, old version never closed TCP connection after success or non-success calculation
    - Firmware v1.46 Released, Added SL3 Routines
    - Minor changes and bugfixes

    Installer v1.08
    - Added new Nokia FBUS Loaders for Old and New protocols (v10.20.0)
    - Fixed problems with flashing RAPIDO based phones with hash 479.... (N86,X6). Was Nokia fault (10.18.0 loader pack was broken, probably problem with RSA signature so loader wasn't spawned at all...)
    - Fixed problem with FUR initialization when dealing with v10 (2010) Nokia Loaders (Affected was new protocol phones)
    - Forced users to install v1.08 changing few firmware routines - some users upgraded their boxes updating it for "v10" loaders, but they didn't installed new installer - their BB5 flashing was broken then. Forcing users to install v1.08 and upgrade box is just to ensure every user will have 100% working environment (latest loaders, latest firmware, latest exe).
    - New Box Firmware v1.45 Released
    - Handling some smartcards in main firmware fixed
    - Minor changes and bugfixes

    Installer v1.07
    - New FBUS Loaders v10.18.00 introduced (new protocol, for RAPIDO,RAPU,ST,etc)
    - New FBUS Lodaers v10.16.00 introduced (old protocol, for RAPv3)
    - Added support for Infineon X-Gold phones flashing. Phones supported: 1661 RH-111, RH-125, etc.
    - XGold: Support for dead phones flashing
    - XGold: Support for cross flash (we have tested 1616 flashing with 1800 firmware and seems works. Anyway YOU are responsible for any damages. Make sure PM is being backed-up before cross-flash. You also can't flash phones with difrent platform (i.e. RH111 <> RH125). Too diffrent CPU, LCD...,etc...)
    - XGold: Supports bauds 11[zasłonięte],230400,46[zasłonięte],921600
    - XGold: You don't need to know which phone is UPP or Infineon based. Just select model and Cyclone will detect it automaticly - wil select corect falshing method.
    - XGold: Supports for changing ph