The story of the people who designed, built,
launched, landed, and are now operating the Mars rover
''Curiosity'' Award-winning science writer Rod Pyle
provides a behind-the-scenes look into the recent space
mission to Mars of ''Curiosity''--the unmanned rover
that is now providing researchers with unprecedented
information about the red planet. Pyle follows the team
of dedicated scientists whose job it is to explore new
vistas on Mars. Readers will also join ''Curiosity,''
the most advanced machine ever sent to another planet,
on its journey of discovery. Drawing on his contacts at
NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the author
provides stunning insights into how this enthusiastic
team of diverse individuals uses a revolutionary onboard
laboratory of chemistry, geology, and physics
instruments to unravel the profound secrets of the Red
Planet. Readers will meet: Robert Manning, chief
engineer for every rover mission since ''Pathfinder'';
John Grotzinger, the chief scientist of the entire
mission; Vandi Tompkins, the software designer who keeps
the rover on track; Bobak Ferdowsi, famed ''Mohawk Guy''
from Mission Control; Adam Steltzner, the Elvis-like
Entry, Descent and Landing Lead; Al Chen, chief of
flight dynamics and the voice of JPL during
''Curiosity'''s treacherous landing; and many others.
And of course, Pyle describes the adventures of the
''Curiosity'' rover itself, from landing through the
first samples, drilling, and discovering a habitable
past on the planet, to reaching the ultimate target:
Mount Sharp, in the center of Gale Crater. America is
once again at the forefront of a new space age and
''Curiosity'' is just the beginning of many exciting new
discoveries to come. |