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13-03-2012, 11:32
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Culture and Migration

Wydanie obcojęzyczne: angielski


Krystyna Romaniszyn


The broadest framework for this work is provided by one of the leading anthropolo- gical themes - cultural change - yet here it is elaborated with reference to the pheno- menon of international migration. More precisely, attention is drawn to the effects of migratory flows on the cultures of the societies involved.[...] This volume, com- posed of papers that address select aspects of migration and its consequences, repre- sents [...] the contemporary revival of anthropological studies on migration and, hopefully, offers a significant contribution to the field. The book will achieve its aim if readers find it informative and stimulating - in further investigations and discussions on migration in general, and on the "culture and migration" theme in particular. (from the Preface)

Oprawa: Miękka ze skrzydełkami

Format: 14.5x20.5cm

Ilość stron: 168

Rok wydania: 2008