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Cross border cooperation of Poland after Eu Enlarg

26-06-2015, 4:07
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Koniec: 26-06-2015 04:13:44

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Cross border cooperation of Poland after Eu Enlargement [Krok Katarzyna, Smętkowski Maciej] Nasza cena: 30.23

Polish membership in the European Union and the conversion of Polish-Ukrainian and Polish-Belarusian border into EU`s external border, has undoubtedly influenced the relations and co-operation in the trans-border region. Therefore, it was important to analyse both the scale and the scope of these changes, as well as the new role of different actors in trans-border co-operation. Hence, in this book, special attention is given to finding the answer to the question of whether the enlarged EU will emerge as a "Fortress Europe" or as a "Golden Curtain". Considering this, the challenges for the study was to present the role of the trans-border co-operation for regional and local development, the factors affecting cross-border co-operation, the perception of co-operation in the eyes of regional and local stakeholders, the evaluation of established EU-financed programmes and the role of the institutions and the role of the institutions in promoting cross-border co-operation.

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UWAGA – Niezależnie ile zamówisz przedmiotów, za wysyłkę płacisz TYLKO RAZ

  • Autorzy: Krok Katarzyna, Smętkowski Maciej
  • Języki: angielski
  • Kod wydawcy: 20012
  • Rok wydania: 2006
  • Objętość: 171
  • Format: 14.8x23.9cm
  • Oprawa: Miękka
  • Ciężar: 0.265
  • ISBN: 837[zasłonięte]1797
  • Miejscowość: Warszawa
  • Kod paskowy: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]38317
  • Wysokość: 10
  • PKWiU: 58.11.1


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