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Na tej aukcji chcę zaproponować zakup angielskojęzycznej publikacji:
tytuł / title: COPING WITH STRESS. A practical, self-help guide for women
seria / serie:
autor / author: Georgia Witkin-Lanoim, Ph.D.
wydanie / publication: 1985 Sheldon Press
format / size: 13 cm X 20 cm
okładka / cover: miękka, kolorowa
ilość stron / pages: 106
ISBN: 0-85[zasłonięte]-438-0
typ / type: używana / used
stan książki / condision of book: dobry minus / good minus (nieco zagięć i otarć na okładce; niewielkie rozdarcie na grzbiecie książki; kilka plamek na okładce; nieznacznie pożółkłe strony wewnętrzne)
Opis treści / summary:
Stress can be hazardous. When we are under stress we are more susceptible to illness, depression and accidents. Because of our unique biology and conditioning, women are subject to physical and psychological stress not suffered by men. These can produce ailments such as pre-menstrual tension, headaches and even infertility.
This book focuses on the many stress and stress symptoms unique to women. Based on the author's ten years of counselling, it discusses the female mind and body and indentifies the stresses inherent in mothering, working, ageing, sex, love and marriage. It offers sympathetic and helpful guidance to enable us to manage out lives effectively. Highly redeable, the book also includes case histories and behavioural checklists.
If you are under stress, and need to learn how to cope, this is the ideal book for you!
'Sensible, practical advice... couched in a natural, attractive and empathetic style.' PUBLIUSHER'S WEEKLY'
- Introduction
- Good Stress, Bad Stress, and Female Stresses
- Stress and the Female Body
- Female Stress Symptoms
- Nonassertiveness Training and the Female Stress Syndrome
- Love, Sex and Marriage under Stress
- Mothering and the Female Stress Syndrome
- Stress and the Working Woman
- Hidden StressesFemale After Forty
- Living with Female Stress
- Bibliography
- Index
Przy zakupie kilku książek - bardzo proszę o kontakt w celu ustalenia łącznego kosztu przesyłki!