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Contemporary Meanings in Physical Geography: From What to Why? (Hodder Arnold Publication)




Author: Andre Roy, Stephen Trudgill
Language: English
Publisher: Routledge
Publication Date: 27 Jun 2003
Dimensions: 23 x 15 x 2 cm
Format: Paperback
Pages: 304
Condition: NEW
Product_ID: AC4ADA6907



Over the past twenty years, geography as an academic discipline has become more and more reflective, asking the key questions 'What are we doing?' 'Why are we doing it?'. These questions have, so far, been more enthusiastically taken up by human geography rather than physical geography. Contemporary Meanings in Physical Geography aims to redress the balance. Written and edited by a distinguished group of physical geographers, Contemporary Meanings in Physical Geography comprises of a collection of international writer's thoughts which reveal personal motivations, and look at tensions in the worlds of meaning in which physical geography is involved. How are the meanings of the physical environment derived? Is the future of physical geography one where the only, or at least the dominant, meanings are framed in the contexts of environmental issues. Covering a diverse and lively selection of topics, the contributors of this book offer guides to the contemporary debates in the philosophy of physical geography, and introduce the reader to its wider cultural significance. This book is an essential companion to anyone studying, or with an interest in, physical geography.




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 GEOGRAPHY John Matthews, David Herbert