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Conservative Revolution konsertwatyzm republikanie

20-02-2015, 19:35
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Cena kup teraz: 48.50 zł     
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Koniec: 20-02-2015 18:49:13

Dodatkowe informacje:
Region: Ameryka Północna
Stan: Używany
Okładka: twarda z obwolutą
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1999
Kondycja: bez śladów używania
Tematyka: Polityka, gospodarka
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Lee Edwards

The Conservative Revolution

The Movement that Remade America

New York 1999

Stron 391, format: 16x24 cm

Książka bez śladów używania




The triumph of the conservative movement in reshaping American politics is one of the great untold stories of the past fifty years. At the end of World War II, hardly anyone in public life would admit to being a conservative, but as Lee Edwards shows in this magisterial work, in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, a small group of committed men and women began to chip away at the liberal colossus, and their descendants would scale the ramparts of power in the 1980s and 1990s. Not even the fall of Newt Gingrich has changed the indisputable fact that the movement has truly rewritten the rules of American political life, and the republic will never be the same.


Edwards tells the stories of how conservatives built a movement from the ground up by starting magazines, by building grass-roots organizations, and by seizing control of the Republican party from those who espoused collabo­ration with the liberals and promised only to manage the welfare state more efficiently and not to dismantle it. But most of all he tells the story of four men, four leaders who put their personal stamp on this movement and helped to turn it into the most important political force in our country today:


Robert Taft,"Mr. Republican," the beacon of conservative

principle during the lean Roosevelt and Truman years


Barn Goldvater,"Mr. Conservative," the flinty Westerner

who inspired a new generation


Ronald Reagan,"Mr. President," the optimist whose core beliefs were sturdy enough to subdue an evil empire


Newt Gingrich,"Mr. Speaker," the fiery visionary who won a Congress but lost control of it


By their example and vision, these men brought intel­lectual and ideological stability to an often fractious con­servative movement and held the high ground against the pragmatists who would compromise conservative principles for transitory political advantage. And through their efforts and those of their supporters, they transformed the American political landscape so thoroughly that a Democratic president would one day proclaim, "The era of big government is over."


Political history in the grand style, The Conservative Revolution is the definitive book on a conservative move­ment that not only has left its mark on our century but is poised to shape the century about to dawn.




Introduction 1

1 "Had Enough?" 5

An Extraordinary Congress 18

We Like Ike 40

Profiles in Courage 59

5 "Let's Grow Up, Conservatives!" 75

The Reluctant Champion 101

Landslide 128

The Citizen Politician 142

The Real Nixon 161


New Right and Old Left 177

Winning Conservative 200

Golden Years 225

The Reagan Doctrine 242

Contracts Made and Broken 268

Newt! Newt! Newt! 293

Can Conservatives Govern? 322

Acknowledgments 339 Notes 343 Index 377

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