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Consequences: 1

06-02-2014, 1:25
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Cena kup teraz: 85.99 zł     
Użytkownik martinigryf
numer aukcji: 3862467879
Miejscowość Gryfino
Zostało sztuk: 3    Wyświetleń: 3   
Koniec: 06-02-2014 01:31:28

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Stan: Nowy
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Consequences: 1


Okładka miękka: 412 stron
Wydawca: Romig Works (30 październik 2012)
Język wydania: English
Wymiary: 2.1 x 15 x 22.6 cm
Autor/Producent: Aleatha Romig

Book #1 of the Bestselling Consequences Series: Anthony Rawlings had a plan—to teach Claire Nichols to behave. Claire Nichols had a plan—to survive! In an unfamiliar bedroom within a luxurious mansion, Claire Nichols wakes to memories of a brutal abduction. All of her recollections have one common denominator, the man she just met—Anthony Rawlings. Unbeknownst to Claire, Anthony has had her in his sights for a long time. Every action has consequences—and his actions resulted in their chance meeting. Facing incomprehensible circumstances, Claire must learn to survive as she comes to terms with her new reality—every aspect of her livelihood is now dependent upon the tall, dark-haired, dark-eyed tycoon. Anthony may appear to the world as a prosperous, benevolent, kind businessman, but in reality Claire learns he is also a menacing, controlling captor with very strict rules: do as your told, public failure is not an option, and don’t divulge private information. Failure to follow these rules and more, are met with serious consequences. In an effort to earn her freedom, Claire learns her lessons well and before long, she unknowingly captivates her captor. Anthony/ Tony reluctantly becomes enthralled with Claire’s beauty, resilience and determination. Their interaction instigates strong emotions, including—fear, anger, love, and lust—as their journey flows into uncharted waters of intrigue and passion. From the opening criminal abduction, through the twists and turns, to the unlikely romantic thrills, the suspense climaxes as Aleatha Romig utilizes vivid detail, allowing this novel to unfold like a movie. Can you put the pieces of the puzzle together? Claire Nichols abduction wasn’t a random act—did she learn her lessons well enough? Will these unlikely lovers remain true—or will she learn the truth before it’s too late?

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