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Confessions of a Fallen Angel Ronan O'Brien NOWA!

03-06-2012, 8:10
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numer aukcji: 2294933636
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 10   
Koniec: 22-05-2012 08:35:15

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
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Confessions of a Fallen Angel
Autor: Ronan O'Brien
Ilość stron: 330
Okładka: Miękka
Nr ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]09524
Wydawca: Sceptre

Following a near-death experience as a child, the narrator becomes cursed with the ability to foresee the deaths of the people closest to him. These visions come to him in his dreams and, following a disastrous attempt to save a childhood friend from drowning, a set of terrifying events begins to unfold.As a young man, he finds redemption in the arms of Aisling, his beautiful wife. But then the visions return! This is a story about one man's struggle to live an ordinary life in extraordinary circumstances; about love lost and found and the vast range of emotions that can be weathered by the human heart. This is a story where dreams come true but where dreams can turn into nightmares; a place where true love will prevail and where death is only the beginning. Set in the fictional Dublin suburb of Rathgorman, peopled by heroes and villains, Confessions of a Fallen Angel is a truly remarkable debut novel that will grip you from the first line and surprise you to the last.

Confessions of a Fallen Angel Ronan O'Brien NOWA!