This is the golden age of cognitive therapy. Its
popularity among society and the professional community
is growing by leaps and bounds. What is it and what are
its limits? What is the fundamental nature of cognitive
therapy? It is, to my way of thinking, simple but
profound. To understand it, it is useful to think back
to the history of behavior therapy, to the basic
development made by Joseph Wolpe. In the 1950s, Wolpe
astounded the therapeutic world and infuriated his
colleagues by finding a simple cure for phobias. The
psychoanalytic establishment held that
phobias-irrational and intense fear of certain objects,
such as cats-were just surface manifesta- tions of
deeper, underlying disorders. The psychoanalysts said
their source was the buried fear in male children of
castration by the father in retaliation for the son's
lust for his mother. For females, this fear is directed
toward the opposite sex parent. The biomedical
theorists, on the other hand, claimed that some as yet
undiscovered disorder in brain chemistry must be the
underlying problem. Both groups insisted that to treat
only the patient's fear of cats would do no more good
than it would to put rouge over measles. Wolpe, however,
reasoned that irrational fear of something isn't just a
symptom of a phobia; it is the whole phobia. |