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21-01-2015, 14:42
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Najwyzsza cena licytacji: zł      Aktualna cena: 450 zł     
Użytkownik Gorg2
numer aukcji: 4993245766
Miejscowość Sandomierz
Licytowało: 1    Wyświetleń: 110   
Koniec: 21-01-2015 13:30:37

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Waga (z opakowaniem): 10.00 [kg]
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Combo Organ EKO SUPERTIGER 61 w pełni sprawne wbudowany wzmacniacz na w kolumny wyjście słuchawkowe, brzmienie vintage "wczesny Niemen - Doors". specyfikacja z netu : 1) Power switch: on/off power with a light indicator. 2) Volume slider: set the main volume for all the keyboard. 3) 4 drawbars called “GREAT ORGAN”: 16’ - 8’ - 4’ - 2’ 2/3, for the white zone. 4) 2 drawbars for (and called) “ACCOMPANIMENT”: “FLUTE 4’”, “STRINGS 4’”, for the grey zone. 5) 1 drawbar for (and called) “BASS VOLUME”, for the grey zone (monophonic). 6) 8 keys for “EFFECTS”: “BASS PERCUSS” (red color) (it eliminates the bass, only sounds the percussion, but it sounds strange, like a shot, I think it doesn’t work right) for the grey zone. “BASS SUSTAIN” (red color) ads sustain for the bass, for the grey zone. “SLOW VIBRATO” (green color) for both grey and white zones. “FAST VIBRATO” (green color) for both grey and white zones. “SHORT PERCUSS LONG” (cream color) for the white zone. “4’ PERCUSS” (cream color) for the white zone. “2’ 2/3 PERCUSS” (cream color) for the white zone. “SUSTAIN” (orange color) for the white zone, in synth words should be “release” instead of “sustain”. 7) “RHYTHM VOLUME” knob. 8) 10 rhythm buttons, from left to right (always...) 3 green color, 3 cream color, 4 red color (I don’t know if there is a reason why each rhythm deserves those colors...) “WALTZ” - “TANGO” - “MARCH” - “SLOW ROCK” - “SWING” - “RHYTHM AND BLUES” - “RHUMBA” - “CHA CHA” (it should be cha cha cha) - “SAMBA” - “BOSSA NOVA”. 9) “TEMPO” knob. 10) Accompaniment zone: (the grey zone) - “ACCOMP” button: turns on/off the accompaniment. It can work alone, whitout the rhythm, you can play a chord, let say C, and it will sound a chord pattern with the notes C, E, G on the flute 4’ and/or strings 4’, and an alternated bass pattern of notes among the extremes of the chord played, (in this case C and G), if you play D chord with these keys: A, D, F#, A, the bass pattern will be among the low and high A pressed keys. - 2 buttons called “KEY”, the first (always l to r) “DELAY”, the other “INSTANT”. (As I not use de accompaniment system, I must learn how these buttons works) - “RHYTHM INSTR” button: turns on/off the rhythm. (it sounds a little bit funny, like a steam train) 11) a main accompaniment “ON/OFF” button (whith a light that follows the rhythm when it’s ON) 12) A “PIANO VOLUME” slider. This is a complete separated feature, that only works on the white zone, you can mix it with the “great organ sounds”. Mile widziany odbiór osobisty. Tylko brać i grać.