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Cold War Bunkers Nick Catford

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Cold War BunkersNick CatfordHardcover: 224 pagesPublisher: Folly Books Ltd 2010ISBN-10: 095[zasłonięte]0525ISBN-13: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]64405

Cold War Bunkers

Nick Catford
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: Folly Books Ltd 2010
ISBN-10: 095[zasłonięte]0525
ISBN-13: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]64405

Cold War Bunkers' is a comprehensive photographic overview of all the underground, semi-underground and surface-built cold-war atomic and nuclear bunkers built in the British Isles to protect central, regional and local government, military organizations, the Civil Defence organization, the Royal Observer Corps, UKWMO and the public utilities against nuclear attack by the Soviet Union between 1946 and 1989.
Amongst the sites represented in this volume are:
The Corsham Central Government War Headquarters (Burlington);
The Regional War Rooms built during the early 1950s and the network of Civil Defence bunkers that supported them;
The Regional Seats of Government (RSGs) of the 1960s, the SRHQs that were built at the end of that decade and into the 1970s, and the highly sophisticated and hugely expensive Regional Government Headquarters of the 1980s.
Also covered are the huge range of ROC bunkers from the very large Sector Controls to the tiny 3-man observation posts; the often complex and sometimes Spartan County and District council bunkers, bunkers built by the water companies, and the deep underground emergency telephone exchanges built by the GPO and BT.
The book also goes in great detail into the underground radar control rooms established as part of the RAF's `Rotor' radar system and also the hardened anti-aircraft gun control rooms which were integrated with `Rotor' in the early 1950s.
Coverage is also given to the cruise missile site at Greenham Common along with many other sites and structures too numerous to mention.

Dodano 2[zasłonięte]014-12 00:17
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