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Co Enzyme Q10 100mg 30 Capsules

02-03-2012, 17:17
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 42 zł     
Użytkownik lancs
numer aukcji: 2080586415
Miejscowość Manchester, Wielka Brytania
Wyświetleń: 17   
Koniec: 09-02-2012 06:48:55
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

100mg Per Softgel Capsule

Co Enzyme Q10 is thought to play a key role in converting food to energy within the body, so may help to maintain energy levels. Exclusively available in our Easy-Gest capsules.

This capsule is also easy to swallow, easy to absorb, easy to digest and have no bad taste or product odour Co Enzyme Q10 is naturally found in nearly every cell of the body, in the mitochondria. This is the area where the body produces energy, and Co Enzyme Q10 has been found to play a key role in the body’s process of converting food to energy.

Co Enzyme Q10 can be found in numerous foods including some meat, fish and green vegetables. Nonetheless, as we age it is common for the natural levels of Co Enzyme Q10 to reduce, and a healthy diet and regular supplementation can help to support bodily supplies.

This supplement is also particularly popular with customers who take satins,which lower cholesterol and reduce the natural amount of Co Enzyme Q10 in the body.Capsule colours may vary

Ingredients: Co Enzyme Q10 100mg, Silicon Dioxide, Beeswax, Lecithin, Sunflower Oil, Gelatin, Purified Water, Glycerin. Directions:Take one capsule daily as a food supplement or as directed by a healthcare professional. Store in a cool dry place. Keep away from children at all times.

You will get 30 capsules packed in a Vitastore grip seal bag