Books have been written about the
emotional/psychological significance of these well known
stories, such as "The Fisher King and the Handless
Maiden", by Robert Johnson or "Iron John" by Robert Bly,
"The Uses of Enchantment" by Bruno Bettelheim and many
more, but I began to understand that there were even
greater spiritual truths to be found. In other words,
the interesting psychological aspects were only part of
the story and that in fact the stories had been written
a spiritual rather than psychological purpose in mind. I
have chosen the most well known fairy tales - the ones
most of us grew up with. In unraveling some of their
secrets, they become that much more meaningful, than
stories we may not have encountered before. The
interpretations that I have given do not reveal all the
hidden truths, for there are many layers of insight
available to the avid searcher, however by revealing
some of the truths contained in these stories it is my
hope that the reader will feel inspired not only to
conduct their own research and discover further meanings
for themselves, but that will also be more conscious of
the sacred value of these tales when telling them to our
children. Ever wondered what fairy stories were really
all about? Most of us know Fairy tales such as "Red
Riding Hood", "Jack and the Beanstalk" and "Cinderella",
yet few of us realize the in-depth insight and spiritual
guidance these stories contain. In leaving them behind,
together with our childhoods, we have ignored some of
the most profound teachings and wisdom, that has been
past down through thousands of years. Each popular tale
uncovers a rich and meaningful guide to our own
development and offers insights to guide our progress.
From the time man first walked on this planet, we have
had a desire to reunite with the Divine - to climb
Jacob's proverbial ladder, become enlightened and make
it back to our spiritual home. Many imagine they would
like to achieve this; few succeed, for the journey takes
courage, diligence, discipline and devoutness, and the
temptations and traps are many. We need whatever guides
we can, to understand the journey and be aware of its
pitfalls. Those who have succeeded have hidden the keys
in many places. Fairytales, which we have come to take
so for granted, are freely available and now, through
this book, we can unlock the wealth of information they
contain. Perhaps Einstein was right when he said, "If
you want your children to be intelligent, read them
fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent,
read them more fairy tales.