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    We, Europeans, know less than very little,  indeed,  about the art oj the East, although — as euery historian oj culture or commentator oj art will admit — it would be dijjicult to explain our Continenfs artistic development in the last hundred years and morę other than by the sphere-broadening determined in the consciousness oj the creators oj beauty by the contact with the art oj Asia. This contact — be it only partial, or accounted jor by a hazard — seems to have its own dejinite intentions, its intelligence, and the jinalities that are  implied in  any intelligent design. It began to be known together with the art oj other non-European ethnical groups, taken late into account as cultural jactors on our globe. As a matter oj ja et, the merę inspeetion oj the jacts reveals to an unbiased art historian a succession, jar richer than one might think, oj essential discoveries jor jundamental inuestigation in the province   oj plastic   arts, conditioned by the meeting oj the West with Oriental Art. Consequently, we are rejerring exclusively to the transjormations which, morę numerous and rapid than in any other period oj art history, were registered sińce the appearance oj hnpressionism in painting — thus called as a historically determined trend. In other words, we have in view the art oj about 1863 (when Delacroix died) and later, when Edouard Manet, with Musie in the Tuileries Garden, with Pienie on the Grass and Olympia, caused another ąuarrel between Ancients and Moderns, not unlike the one between Classics and Romantics — which the new conjrontation, in the last resort, is prolonging in our own days (on another planej. In this period we cannoi ignore certain synchronisms, selj-eloquent at the merę consultation oj a synoptic-chronological table of cultural events. 
                Classical Chinese painting 00

    Classical Chinese painting 01

    Classical Chinese painting 02

    Classical Chinese painting 03

    Classical Chinese painting 04

    Classical Chinese painting 05

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              Ilość stron: 
    nie ma numeracji, 82 ilustracje

                 Tytuł, autor i wydawnictwo 

    Classical Chinese Painting
    Meridiane Publishing House 
    Bucharest 1979  

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    In the text:
    a text from
    The Crilical Assessment of Classical Works
    (early 13th. centur7)
    Sixth Patriarch of Cłfan Sect
    ink   on  paper
    Private Collection, Japan
    Sepen Jtmiper Trees of Chin-Chuan
    ink on silk
    Academy   of  Arts,   Honolulu
    SHIH-TJAO (Tao-Chi)
    (active   between   1660  and   1710)
    KAO CH'1-PEI (17th.-18th.  centuries) A. monk
    The Tree and the Travelhr Hamburg Museum
    HAN,  SUI AND T5ANG DYNASTIES (206 B.C. - A.D. 906)
    1.   Watchman of a Han Tomb bas-relief engraving 50x115.5  cm.
    Chengdu Museum, Sichuan province
    (2nd. or 3rd. century A.D.) Personages painted on a funeral plate painting in colour on hollow tiles H.  19.5 cm. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
    3.  KU  ICAI-CHIH - attributed (? 350-412)
    The Njmph of the Rwer Lo (copy-12th.
    China ink and  colours on silk
    Horizontal   scroll:   H.   24   cm.
    Freer   Gallery   of  Art,   Washington
    One of the Seven Buddhas of the Past
    Fresco   from  grotto   257,   Tun-huang
    5.  YEN LI-PEN (7th. century) The 13 Emperors (copy) fragment
    colours  on  silk
    Horizontal  scroll:  51x531   cm.
    Museum  of Fine Arts, Boston
    6.  CHANG   HSUAN - attributed (active   c.   713-742)
    Ladies preparing newly-wopen silk (copy — 12th. century) colours  on  silk
    Horizontal  scroll:  37x145  cm. Museum  of Fine  Arts, Boston
    7.  WANG   WEI - manner   of (698-759)
    Monntains in Snów colours  on  silk 69 x 36 cm. Beijing
    8.  LI  SSHU-HSHUN - manner  of (651-716)
    l-.andscape with Btiilrlings
    Freer Gallery of Art,  Washington
    9.  HAN KAN - attributed (720-780)
    Horse bound to a Stake
    ink and slight colour
    30x35 cm.
    Sir  Percival  David   Collection,   London
    10.  KUAN-HSI (832-912) One of the Sixteen Lohans fragment
    colours on silk
    horizontal  scroll:   127x67  cm.
    National Museum, Tokyo
    11.  ANONYMOUS  (9th.   century) Ucchitshma, the Killer of Daemons colours on canvas
    79x30 cm.
    British Museum, London
    12.  SHIH-K'0 - attributed (10th. century)
    Monk   with   Tiger,   fragment
    ink on paper
    Vertical scroll: L, 64 cm.
    13.  HSU TAO-NING (10th. to llth. centuries)
    Fishing in a Mountain Stream,  detail
    ink  on  silk
    Horizontal scroll:. 48 X 209 cm.
    W.   Rockhill   Nelson   Gallery   of   Art
    and Atkins Museum, Kansas City, Mo.
    14.  FAN   ICUAN - attributed
    (end   of   lOth.   century — beginning   of
    llth.   century)
    Win ter La/tdsrape
    Museum  of Fine  Arts, Boston
    15.  ANONYMOUS
    Riding  through Snony  Momitains Beijing
    16.  EMPEROR HUI-TSUNG (1[zasłonięte]082-11)
    Two  Birds  on  a  Bamboo  S/a/k,   fragment
    Hoiizontal  scroll:  H.  31.2 cm.
    J. M. Crawford jr. Collection, New York
    17.  ANONYMOUS
    Tbe Scent of Kipę Apples Attracts Birds Colours on silk Beijing Museum
    18.  MI FEI   (1[zasłonięte]051-11) Łandscape (1102)
    ink  on paper
    51x49   cm.
    Private   Collection,   Japnn
    19.  LI   LUNG-MIEN - attributed (1[zasłonięte]040-11)
    Morse from Khotan with Groom, fragment ink   and   slight   colours   on   paper Horizontal scroll:  30x182 cm.
    20.  KUO HSI - attributed (c.  1[zasłonięte]020-10)
    Łandscape  with  Pagoda  and Abodes
    ink on silk
    Vertical scroll: 179x51 cm.
    21-22. OTEN YUNG
    (middle  of 13th.  centu.ty) Drago/is  among  Wcwes (1244), 2 fragments
    ink and slight colours on paper Horizontal scroll: 46x1096 cm. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
    23.  ANONYMOUS, Northern  Sung The  Wbite Falcon
    colours on silk
    Vertkal  scroll:   107.5x43.5  cm.
    Art  Museum  of the   Socialist  Republic
    of Romania
    24.  ANONYMOUS Lotus F/ower colours  on  silk Diam. 26 cm. Beijing
    25.  ANONYMOUS
    Dragon-shaped Boats Compete in Crossing a RJver
    colours  on  silk Beijing
    26.  LIANG ICAI (early  13th.  century) The Poet Li Tai Po (c. 700-762 A. D.) ink on paper
    79x30 cm.
    Priyate Collection, Tokyo
    27.  MU CH'1 (c. 1[zasłonięte]181-12) Shrike  Perched on  a  Pine-tree ink  on  paper,
    70x32 cm.
    Matsudaira Collection, Tokyo
    28.  ANONYMOUS Orcbids
    colours on silk Beijing
    29.   SU SHIH - attributed (1[zasłonięte]036-11)
    ink on paper
    Private   Collection,   China
    30.  MA YUAN (active   c.   1190—1224) Scholar   Contemplating   the   Moon ink and faint colours on silk Hakone Art Museum
    Miyagino   (Kanagava),   Japan
    31.  MA YUAN - attributed Łandscape with Willom and Bridge album-leaf in fan shape
    ink and slight colours on silk
    24x24 cm.
    Museum  of Fine  Arts,  Boston
    32.   SU KUO (1072—1123)
    A Bird on a Batuboo Stalk
    ink  on  paper
    47x29 cm.
    Priyate Collection, Japan
    33.  HSIA KUEI (active  c.   1180—1230) Summer Łandscape
    ink on silk 25x32 cm. Iwasaki   Collection,   Tokyo
    YUAN DYNASTY (1280—1368)
    34.  WU CHEN (1[zasłonięte]280-13) Fishermen, fragment
    ink on paper
    Horizontal scroll:  H.  32.5 cm.
    Freer Galłery of Art, Washington
    35.  WU CHEN - attributed Bamboo
    ink on silk
    album-leaf:  22.8x22.5 cm.
    British Museum, London
    36.  CHTEN HSUAN (1235-c.l290) Insects and Lotus  (Ear(y Antumn) ink and  colours  on  paper
    part  of a  hand   scroll:  26x120  cm Institute of Arts, Detroit
    37.  OWEN HSUAN
    Wang   Hsi-cha  Looking  at  the  Geese,
    ink  and  colours   on  paper
    Horizontal scroll: H. 23.2 cm.
    CC. Wang Collection, New York
    38.  HUANG   KUNG-WANG  (1[zasłonięte]269-13) The   Mountain   with   Five   Peaks   after   a Snomfall
    Vertical scroll
    39.  WANG MENG (1[zasłonięte]309-13) Hermit in the Mountain
    ink  and  colour  on  paper Taiwan
    40.  NI TSAN (1[zasłonięte]301-13) The  Sage'5   Hut  in  Autiimn Vertical  scroll:   135x34  cm. Beijing
    41.  KAO K'0-KUNG (1[zasłonięte]248-13) Łandscape   after  Kain
    ink on paper 122x81 cm. Beijing
    42.  CHAO MfiNG-FU (1[zasłonięte]254-13) Poet Tao Yiian Ming in the Mountains Private  Collection,  Japan
    43.  CHAO MfiNG-FU
    Horses Crossing a Rwer, detail ink and  colour  on paper Horizontal   scroll:   17x87   cm. Freer Gallery of Ait, Washington
    44.  CHAO MfiNG-FU
    Autumn in the Tsao and H/za Mountains
    (1295), detail
    ink and colours on paper
    Horizontal scroll: H. 28.3 cm.
    45.  WANG MIEŃ (1[zasłonięte]335-14) Plum Blossoms
    ink on paper 32x52 cm. Beijing
    46.  MA LIN
    Liste/ting to the Wind in the Pines
    colours on silk
    Vertical scroll: H. 110.5 cm
    47.  KU  AN (14th.  century) Bamboos and Rocks (1350) ink  on   silk
    187x104  cm.
    48.  KUNG ICAI
    (late   13th.   century)
    The Emaciated Horse
    ink on paper
    30x56 cm.
    Private  Collection,  Japan
    49.  CHAO MfiNG-FU copy by Kuan Tao-Sheng The   Staned   Horse
    formerly Del Drago   Collection,  N.  Y.
    MING DYNASTY (1368—1644)
    50.  TAI TSIN (active c. 1[zasłonięte]430-14) Fishermen   by  the  Riverside,   fragment ink and  colours   on  paper Horizontal scroll: H. 46 cm.
    Freer Gallery of Art, Washington
    51.  WU WEI (1[zasłonięte]459-15) River Landscape
    ink on paper album-leaf:   37x69   cm. National Museum,  Stockholm
    52.  SHfiN CHOU (1[zasłonięte]427-15) The Eastern District
    53.   SHfiN CHOU Reading in Aut urn n
    ink  with  slight  colours   on  paper
    album-leaf:  28x38 cm.
    54.  WEN CHENG-MING - attributed (1[zasłonięte]470-15)
    colours  on  silk
    Horizontal scroll: 196x114 cm.
    Museum of Art Collections, Bucharest
    55.  TUNG CH'1-CH'ANG (1[zasłonięte]555-16) l^andscape (1625)
    ink  on   paper
    CA.   Drenowatz   Collection,   Ziirich
    56.  TANG YIN (1[zasłonięte]470-15) Woman Playing the Pipę colours on silk
    Nanjin Museum
    57.  ANONYMOUS
    (16th. - 17th.  centuries?)
    Ni/te Personages near a W a ter fali
    colours   on   canvas
    Vertical scroll:  142x73.5 cm.
    Art  Museum  of the   Socialist  Republic
    of Romania
    58.  CHITU YING (1[zasłonięte]522-15) Spring Morning in a Han Palące, fragment
    colours  on  silk
    Horizontal  scroll:  H.  30.6  cm.
    59.  CHFIU YING
    A Spring-night Feast in  the  Orchard of
    Peaches and Pliims
    colours  on  silk
    60.  HSU WEI (1[zasłonięte]529-15) Bamboo, fragment
    ink on paper,
    Horizontal scroll:  H.  32.5  cm.
    Freer   Gallery   of  Art,   Washington
    61.   SHIH-TAO (TAO-CHI) (active c. 1[zasłonięte]660-17) and WANG YUAN-CH'1 (1[zasłonięte]642-17) Orchids and Bamboos
    ink  on  paper:   134x58  cm.
    62.  WANG SHI-MINH (1[zasłonięte]592-16) Landscape  in  the  style  of Chao  Men^-fu (1670)
    ink and colours on paper
    album-leaf:  27x37 cm.
    CC.  Wang Collection, New York
    63.  ANONYMOUS (16th.- 17th. centuries) Palaces on  the   Waterside,   detail colours  on  silk
    Horizontal scroll:  162x68 cm.
    Art  Museum  of  the   Socialist  Republic
    of Romania
    64.  HU CHENG-YEN (1582—1672) Cherry Tnńg
    engraving from the ltTen Bamboo Stuclio;)
    65.  LAN YING (1[zasłonięte]585-16)
    Seeking Poetry in the Autumn Scenery after Chao Meng-fu album   leaf:    36x34   cm. Private collection, Japan
    66.  ANONYMOUS Actors
    colours  on  paper
    Library of the Academy of the Socialist
    Republic of Romania
    Engrayings Cabinet, Bucharest
    67. WANG HUI (1632 Winter Landscape Guimet   Museum,   Paris
    68.  WANG HUI
    Rirer Scenery with Old Trees
    ink on paper
    Yang Yin-pei Collection,
    69.  HUNG YEN Landscape colours on fan
    F. Yannotti Collection, Lugano
    70.  WANG CHIEN (1[zasłonięte]598-16) Landscape
    F.  Yannotti  Collection,  Lugano
    71.  WU LI (1[zasłonięte]632-17) Laudscape
    T.   P.   Dubosc  Collection,  Lugano
    72.  ANONYMOUS  (18th. century) The 18 Sages
    colours on silk
    Horizontal scroll:  31x256  cm.
    Art  Museum  of the   Socialist Republic
    of Romania
    73.  MEI OTING (17th. century) Landscape
    ink and colours on paper
    album-leaf: 28.6x43.8 cm.
    R.   B.   Hobart   Collection,   Cambridge,
    74.  PA-TA SHAN-JEN (1[zasłonięte]626-17) Flower
    ink on  paper
    album-leaf:  24.5x20 cm.
    Neaga Graur Collection, Bucharest
    75.  PA-TA SHAN-JEN Two Birds
    ink  on   paper
    album-leaf: 31.7x26.3 cm.
    IC  Summitomó  Collection,  Japan
    76.  ANONYMOUS Three Personages colours  on  silk 30x40 cm.
    Museum of Art Collections, Bucharest
    77.  CHIN NUNG (1[zasłonięte]687-17)
    Young Man Looking at a Pool with Lotus
    colours on silk: 28x24 cm.
    H.C, Weng Collection, New York
    78.  WU CHUN-CHING (1[zasłonięte]844-19) Flowers and Fruit for New YeaSs Day ink and colours on paper
    79.  NAN LING CHINSEN (18th. century) A-iiimals and Birds
    colours on paper
    Part of a horizontal scroll: 29x502 cm. Art Museum of the Socialist Republic of Romania
    80.  TAO-CHI (c. 1[zasłonięte]630-17) Huts   among  Kocks
    ink on paper
    81.  KAO  CH'1-P'EI  attributed (17- 18th. centuries) Landscape
    ink and touches of colour on paper album-leaf: 27x33 cm. Museum of Asian Art, Amsterdam
    82.  CH'1 PAI-SHIH (1[zasłonięte]863-19) Withered Lotus Flower
    ink and colours on silk paper album-leaf: 34x34.5 cm. National Gallery, Prague

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