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Paczki kurierskie proszę otworzyć przy kurierze i sprawdzić czy otrzymany przedmiot zgadza się ze stanem z aukcji. W wypadku gdyby był uszkodzony proszę reklamować paczkę u kuriera.
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W ciągu tygodnia możliwy odbiór w siedzibie firmy w Ostrzeszowie - mapa dojazdu na stronie "o mnie"
Po uprzednim uzgodnieniu możliwy odbiór osobisty ( na giełdzie komputerowej w Warszawie przy ul. Wolumen
Koszty przesyłki wymienione w tabelce powyżej opisu aukcji.
Przy zakupie kilku przedmiotów proszę o kontakt w celu ustalenia kosztów przesyłki
Przedmiotem aukcji jest:
CISCO Catalyst
4[zasłonięte]000 40 X4013 X4232 L3
The Cisco Catalyst® 4000 Series of modular switches include the Cisco Catalyst 4003 and Catalyst 4006 chassis. As a key component of Cisco AVVID (Architecture for Voice, Video, and Integrated Data), the Cisco Catalyst 4000 Series extends control from the backbone to the network edge with intelligent network services including advanced quality of service (QoS), scalable performance, comprehensive security, and simple manageability. The modular architecture, media flexibility, and expandability of the Cisco Catalyst 4000 Series enable a longer deployment life in converged networks. A longer deployment life reduces the overall cost of ownership by minimizing recurring operational expenses and also improves return on investment (ROI).
Cisco Catalyst 4000 Series switches are also ideal for business services aggregation and subscriber access in metropolitan-area networks (MANs) that use optical Ethernet in the First Mile.
Cisco Catalyst 4000/4500 Supervisor Engine IV: Delivers integrated resiliency and non-blocking, Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF)-based Layer 2/3/4 switching at 48 Mpps, to further enhance control of converged networks. Key intelligent services, based on proven Cisco IOS software, include granular Quality of Service (QoS), predictable performance, advanced security, comprehensive manageability and integrated resiliency. The Supervisor Engine IV is compatible with the new Catalyst 4500 Series chassis, the widely deployed Catalyst 4006 chassis, and existing Catalyst 4000 Family line cards for maximum deployment flexibility.
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Tel/fax 062 [zasłonięte] 08
(od 7:30-15:30)
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