Przedmiotem aukcji jest
Cisco 1801 V01 COM3800BRA SN:FHK103152ES 32MB karta
The Cisco 1801 Integrated Services Router provides:
· Secure broadband access with concurrent services for branch and small offices
· Integrated ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI), or Ethernet backup port for redundant WAN links
· LAN Switching with optional inline POE
· Secure wireless LAN for simultaneous 802.11a and 802.11b/g operation with use of multiple antennas
· Advanced security including:
o Stateful Inspection Firewall
o IP Security (IPSec) VPNs (Triple Data Encryption Standard [3DES] or Advanced Encryption Standard [AES])
o Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN) and Easy VPN
o Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
o Antivirus support through Network Admission Control (NAC) and enforcement of secure access policies
Cisco 1801, 1802, and 1803 routers provide high-speed DSL broadband access through asymmetric DSL (ADSL) over basic telephone service (Cisco 1801), ADSL over ISDN (Cisco 1802), or Symmetrical High-Data-Rate DSL (G.SHDSL) (Cisco 1803) while helping to ensure reliable networking with integrated ISDN S/T BRI backup. The Cisco 1801, 1802, and 1803 routers combine the cost benefits of DSL service with the advanced routing capability required for business use of the Internet.
posiadamy 2 sztuki na sprzedaż pierwsza osoba ma wybór :)
wszystkie zdjęcia są autentyczne, stan idealny - bardzo krótko używany
jeśli jesteś zainteresowany - możemy podesłać dużo więcej zdjęć
sprzęt testowany, sprawny udzielamy GWARANCJI
osoba kontaktowa
Błażej Rybczyński
734 [zasłonięte] 898
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