Przedmiotem aukcji jest:
Cisco 10008 ESR Router o wydajności 3,2Gbps
Router wyposażony jest w 4 porty Gigabit Ethernet
Jeden procesor PRE2 z 1GB Dram
Redundantne zasilanie
ESR-PRE2 Performance Routing Engine B $36,950
ESR10008-CHASSIS Spare eight-slot Chassis B $12,750
ESR-HH-1GE 1 port Gigabit Ethernet Half-Slot Line Card B $20,000
ESR-HH-1GE 1 port Gigabit Ethernet Half-Slot Line Card B $20,000
ESR-HH-1GE 1 port Gigabit Ethernet Half-Slot Line Card B $20,000
ESR-HH-1GE 1 port Gigabit Ethernet Half-Slot Line Card B $20,000
ESR-PWR-DC/R Redundant DC Power entry module for ESR10008, spare B $3,000
ESR-HH-CARRIER Full Length Base Carrier for Half-Slot Line Card B $1,000
ESR-HH-CARRIER Full Length Base Carrier for Half-Slot Line Card B $1,000
ESR-HH-CARRIER Full Length Base Carrier for Half-Slot Line Card B $1,000
ESR-HH-CARRIER Full Length Base Carrier for Half-Slot Line Card B $1,000
Dla porównania jak 4ry 7200 z NPE-G2 ;)
The Cisco 10008 router is a high capacity Layer 3 router optimized to support selected Cisco IOS software services at wire speed performance on thousands of DS1/T1 connections. Designed primarily for use in a telco central office environment, it provides interfaces that connect to large numbers of subscribers using low-speed circuits, and then funnels all of that subscriber traffic into a small number of high-speed trunk interfaces. The chassis has eight line card slots and two slots for Performance Routing Engine (PRE) modules.
The Cisco 10008 router is designed to meet and exceed the most stringent ISP requirements for product availability and reliability. Its features include:
•Redundant blowers
•Redundant power (AC or DC)
•Redundant PREs
•Pairs of Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) interfaces which can be configured for redundancy using SONET 1+1 Automatic Protection Switching (APS)
•All line cards, Power Entry Modules (PEMs), and blowers can be hot-swapped without powering down the chassis
Performance routing engine redundancy in the Cisco 10008 router is achieved through an implementation of Enhanced High System Availability (EHSA). This feature lets you configure the chassis for non-redundant operation with one PRE, or for redundant operation with two PREs.
In addition to PRE redundancy, SONET/SDH line cards can be configured for 1+1 Automatic Protection Switching (APS) to accommodate failure of either a line card or the transmission facility carrying trunk traffic to upstream equipment.
The Cisco 10008 router is designed to scale to unprecedented levels with plans to further increase scalability in future releases. The current release provides support for up to:
•1300 PPP sessions
•4200 Frame Relay sessions
•300 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peers
For CT3 line cards, this equates to:
•1176 T1 connections per chassis or up to 3900 T1 connections per 7-foot rack.
For channelized OC-12 line cards, this equates to:
•2352 T1 connections per chassis or up to 7056 T1 connections per 7-foot rack.

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