Kubuk oferuje duzo wiecej ksiazek w jezyku angielskim! Forty Years on Alan Bennett To Care with Passion Sharon Soon How to Bake a Potato Carolyn Humphries Once Upon a Time in England Helen Walsh How Know American Winchester Troubled Water David Kinnersley | The Healing Book Chris Thomas, Diane Baker Stan: VeryGood. Co to znaczy? ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]16305 Ile stron: 130 Okladka: Paperback Rok wydania: 1[zasłonięte]998-08 Rozmiar: 20x14.4x1.2 Waga: 222.3g Opis This book is for those who wish to heal. We are so much more than we have even dreamed that we are. We have no boundaries, no limits. Everything that we have ever wished that we are, or could be, is now, more than any other time in our history, ours to hold and realize. A part of this limitless potential is our ability to make well, to undo, to Heal. The book starts at the beginning of the healing process with simple, easily followed exercises which can begin to unlock the healing potential which is inherent in all of us. Nobody needs to feel left out of these abilities. Whatever level of experience you have of healing, this book explains in simple uncomplicated language that does not use mysticism or any form of ritual, how to understand the "Chakras" and the way in which our daily lives influences them, to relate medical conditions to the chakras and to learn methods which will bring the chakras back into balance, both for yourself and for others. These methods apply equally to humans and to
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